Human reproduction
Randomized Controlled Trial
A cost-effectiveness analysis of freeze-only or fresh embryo transfer in IVF of non-PCOS women.
Is a freeze-only strategy more cost-effective from a patient perspective than fresh embryo transfer (ET) after one completed In Vitro Fertilization/ Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (IVF/ICSI) cycle in women without polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)? ⋯ This study was funded by My Duc Hospital; no external funding was received. Ben Willem J. Mol is supported by an NHMRC Practioner Fellowship (GNT 1082548) and reports consultancy for Merck, ObsEva and Guerbet. Robert J. Norman has shares in an IVF company and has received support from Merck and Ferring. All other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
How does a single dose of mifepristone on Day 2 after the LH peak (LH + 2) affect the endometrial receptivity transcriptome as assessed by the receptive signature established by the endometrial receptivity analysis (ERA)? ⋯ C.v.G. and N.R.B. have no conflicts of interest. P.G.L. reports honorarium from University of HK/Shenzhen, other from NIF, India, outside the submitted work. K.G.D. reports consultancy for Bayer AG, Exelgyn, HRA-Pharma, Gedeon Richter, MSD, Mithra, Exeltis and Natural cycles, payment for lectures from Bayer AG, NSD, Ferring, HRA-Pharma, Exelgyn and Exeltis and clinical trials for Bayer AG, MSD, Exeltis, Mithra, HRA-Pharma and Sun Pharma. C.S. has a patent gene expression profile (ERA) issued to Igenomix and is scientific director of Igenomix S.L. M.R., R.N. and J.M.V. are employees of Igenomix S.L.
What is the recommended assessment and management of women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), based on the best available evidence, clinical expertise and consumer preference? ⋯ The guideline was primarily funded by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC) supported by a partnership with ESHRE and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Guideline development group members did not receive payment. Travel expenses were covered by the sponsoring organizations. Disclosures of conflicts of interest were declared at the outset and updated throughout the guideline process, aligned with NHMRC guideline processes. Full details of conflicts declared across the guideline development groups are available at in the Register of disclosures of interest. Of named authors, Dr Costello has declared shares in Virtus Health and past sponsorship from Merck Serono for conference presentations. Prof. Laven declared grants from Ferring, Euroscreen and personal fees from Ferring, Euroscreen, Danone and Titus Healthcare. Prof. Norman has declared a minor shareholder interest in an IVF unit. The remaining authors have no conflicts of interest to declare. The guideline was peer reviewed by special interest groups across our partner and collaborating societies and consumer organizations, was independently assessed against AGREE-II criteria, and underwent methodological review. This guideline was approved by all members of the guideline development groups and was submitted for final approval by the NHMRC.
Are the published pre-treatment and post-treatment McLernon models, predicting cumulative live birth rates (LBR) over multiple complete IVF cycles, valid in a different context? ⋯ No external funds were obtained for this study. M.J.C.E., D.J.M. and S.B. have nothing to disclose. J.A.L, S.C.O, T.C.v.T. and H.LT. received an unrestricted personal grant from Merck BV. B.W.M. is supported by a NHMRC Practitioner Fellowship (GNT1082548) and reports consultancy for ObsEva, Merck and Guerbet. F.J.M.B. receives monetary compensation as a member of the external advisory board for Merck BV (the Netherlands) and Ferring pharmaceutics BV (the Netherlands), for consultancy work for Gedeon Richter (Belgium) and Roche Diagnostics on automated AMH assay development, and for a research cooperation with Ansh Labs (USA).
Multicenter Study
The impact of luteal serum progesterone levels on live birth rates-a prospective study of 602 IVF/ICSI cycles.
Is the chance of a live birth following IVF treatment and fresh embryo transfer affected by early and mid-luteal serum progesterone (P4) levels? ⋯ Future studies are necessary to explore whether additional exogenous luteal P4 supplementation in the low P4 group could increase the chance of a live birth following fresh embryo transfer, and whether patients with luteal P4 levels >400 nmol/l would benefit from segmentation followed by subsequent transfer in frozen/thawed cycles.