Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthésie
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Amrinone before termination of cardiopulmonary bypass: haemodynamic variables and oxygen utilization in the postbypass period.
One hundred patients were randomly allocated to receive saline or amrinone, 0.75, ten minutes before separation from cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) after elective coronary artery bypass grafting, in order to determine the effects of this agent on haemodynamic variables and O2 utilization. Anaesthesia and CPB were managed in a standard fashion. Before induction of anaesthesia, at pericardiotomy, then at 1, 10, 20 and 30 min after CPB, haemodynamic profiles, haematocrit, and O2 saturation of arterial and mixed venous blood were measured. ⋯ Haemodynamic measurements were similar between groups at all times; however, a higher dose of phenylephrine was given immediately before weaning from CPB in the amrinone group, and more patients in this group received phenylephrine in the first 30 min after CPB. Mixed venous saturation (SvO2) was higher in the amrinone patients at all times after CPB, leading to lower calculated oxygen consumption (VO2) (P less than 0.05). Insufficient dosage may explain the lack of haemodynamic effect, while possible reasons for the higher SvO2 and lower VO2 are either reduced whole body VO2 or peripheral shunting.
The effects of dobutamine on diaphragmatic contractility were studied in 24 dogs anaesthetized with secobarbital and receiving mechanical lung ventilation. The phrenic nerves were stimulated supramaximally for two seconds with electrodes placed around the fifth and sixth cervical roots when the airway was closed at the level of FRC. The stimulating frequency ranged from 10 to 100 Hz. ⋯ The Edi was not altered by dobutamine infusion. This enhancement of Pdi by dobutamine was abolished by simultaneous infusion of nicardipine, a Ca-channel blocker, but was not affected by prostaglandin E1. These results suggest that dobutamine has a stimulating effect on canine diaphragmatic contraction, and this action may be related to the increased inward movement of extracellular calcium.
The alkalinization of certain local anaesthetics with sodium bicarbonate hastens the onset of epidural analgesia. Increases in both the pH and PCO2 of the local anaesthetic are necessary to hasten onset. However, carbon dioxide can diffuse from local anaesthetic solutions following alkalinization with sodium bicarbonate and change both the pH and PCO2 of the mixture. ⋯ The pH and PCO2 of each solution were measured at time 0 and at 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 min intervals. The solutions were placed in containers as follows: 30 ml in 40 ml containers, 10 ml in 40 ml containers, 10 ml in 13 ml containers, and 10 ml in polypropylene syringes. The pH and PCO2 increased following alkalinization but gradually decreased in all containers except in polypropylene syringes.