Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthésie
Letter Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Does propofol anesthesia increase agitation in neurosurgical patients? - a pilot study.
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
Cricoid pressure decreases ease of tracheal intubation using fibreoptic laryngoscopy (WuScope System.
Cricoid pressure is commonly used during rapid sequence induction and intubation to minimize the risk of aspiration. The objective of the study was to evaluate the ease of fibreoptic (WuScope System(TM)) intubation in anesthetized adults receiving cricoid pressure. ⋯ Cricoid pressure may impede or even prevent fibreoptic laryngoscopic intubation with the WuScope System(TM).
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial
The addition of hydromorphone to epidural fentanyl does not affect analgesia in early labour.
Epidural fentanyl after a lidocaine and epinephrine test dose, provides adequate analgesia and allows for ambulation during early labour. The current study was designed to determine the influence of hydromorphone added to an epidural fentanyl bolus (e.g., whether there is an increase in duration of analgesia). ⋯ In early labouring patients, the addition of hydromorphone (300 microgram) to epidural fentanyl (100 microgram after a lidocaine and epinephrine test dose) neither prolongs the duration of analgesia nor affects the ability to ambulate, and cannot be recommended according to the current study.