Critical care medicine
Critical care medicine · Sep 1994
Predictors of acute respiratory failure after bone marrow transplantation in children.
To determine factors associated with acute respiratory failure after bone marrow transplantation which can be identified before the onset of lung disease. ⋯ Renal and liver dysfunction preceded clinical evidence of lung disease in bone marrow transplant patients who developed respiratory failure. Lung disease leading to respiratory failure and adult respiratory distress syndrome appears to develop as one component of the multiple organ failure syndrome in pediatric bone marrow transplant patients.
Critical care medicine · Sep 1994
Preoperative stabilization using high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in the management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia.
a) To assess the efficiency of preoperative stabilization with the use of high-frequency oscillatory ventilation in the treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia; b) to determine early prognosis factors. ⋯ a) This study demonstrated the efficiency of preoperative stabilization using high-frequency oscillation in the treatment of congenital diaphragmatic hernia. b) An arterial-alveolar oxygen ratio of > or = 0.3 and an oxygenation index of < or = 10 on admission are associated with a rapidly completed surgical procedure and a good outcome.
To determine the applicability of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scoring system in predicting outcome in a subgroup of critically ill obstetrical patients. ⋯ Obstetrical patients requiring intensive care in our ICU had a better outcome than predicted, as expressed by a low mortality ratio. Various explanations that may be applicable to any subgroup of critically ill patients with a different mortality ratio are presented. The subgroup itself may be uniquely different, similar to our obstetrical patients with their physiologic changes of pregnancy. Another explanation may relate to an improvement in care of the subgroup and therefore a better outcome.
Critical care medicine · Sep 1994
Multicenter StudyImproving intensive care unit discharge decisions: supplementing physician judgment with predictions of next day risk for life support.
To develop predictive equations, estimating the probability that an individual intensive care unit (ICU) patient will receive life support within the next 24 hrs. ⋯ Accurate, objective predictions of next day risk for life support can be developed, using readily available patient information. Supplementing physician judgment with these objective risk assessments deserves evaluation for the role of these assessments in enhancing patient safety and improving ICU resource utilization.