Critical care medicine
Critical care medicine · Jan 1997
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialProlonged sedation of critically ill patients with midazolam or propofol: impact on weaning and costs.
To compare the effectiveness of sedation, the time required for weaning, and the costs of prolonged sedation of critically ill mechanically ventilated patients with midazolam and propofol. ⋯ In our population of critically ill patients sedated with midazolam or propofol over prolonged periods, midazolam and propofol were equally effective as sedative agents. However, despite remarkable differences in the cost of sedation with these two agents, the economic profile is more favorable for propofol than for midazolam due to a shorter weaning time associated with propofol administration.
Critical care medicine · Jan 1997
Comparative StudyPrediction of outcome from intensive care: a prospective cohort study comparing Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II and III prognostic systems in a United Kingdom intensive care unit.
To evaluate the ability of two prognostic systems to predict hospital mortality in adult intensive care patients. ⋯ Both predictive models demonstrated a similar degree of overall goodness-of-fit. APACHE II showed better calibration, but discrimination was better with APACHE III. Hospital mortality was higher than predicted by both models, but was underestimated to a greater degree by APACHE III. Risk estimates by both models showed considerable variation across the disease spectrum of ICU patients. Risk predictions for surgical patients and patients with gastrointestinal disease were better with APACHE II. Factors reflecting the clinical practice of an individual ICU are not accounted for by APACHE II and III. Overall, the performance of APACHE III was not superior to that of its predecessor for a cohort of United Kingdom ICU patients; for certain diagnostic categories, APACHE III performed worse than APACHE II despite an improved system of disease classification.
Critical care medicine · Jan 1997
Comparative StudyType B lactic acidosis following cardiopulmonary bypass.
To describe, characterize, and identify the associations of postcardiac surgical lactic acidosis occurring in the absence of clinical evidence of tissue hypoperfusion. ⋯ This report documents the occurrence of lactic acidosis in a subgroup of patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass. The pathogenesis of this disorder is uncertain, but it appears to not relate to inadequate oxygen delivery. Systemic vasodilation and reduced oxygen extraction appear to be features of this disorder, which has an excellent prognosis.
Critical care medicine · Jan 1997
Comparative StudyNear-infrared spectroscopy: continuous measurement of cytochrome oxidation during hemorrhagic shock.
Mitochondrial cytochrome a,a3 redox shifts can be determined by near-infrared wavelength reflection. Since near-infrared wavelengths penetrate skin and bone, a potential exists to noninvasively measure mitochondrial oxidation using this phenomenon. The purpose of this study was to compare conventional parameters of resuscitation with regional measurements of spectroscopically derived cytochrome redox state in a hemorrhagic shock model. ⋯ Resuscitation from severe hemorrhagic shock may not uniformly restore cellular oxygenation, despite normalization of traditional parameters of resuscitation. Direct monitoring of cytochrome oxidation may be useful in identifying regional areas of dysoxia.
Critical care medicine · Jan 1997
Quality of life after cardiac surgery complicated by multiple organ failure.
To evaluate quality of life after prolonged multiple system intensive care treatment in cardiac surgical patients. ⋯ Patients treated with prolonged multiple system intensive care after heart surgery have a poor outcome with respect to quality of life measured at least 1 yr after discharge from the ICU.