Critical care medicine
To report the indications and adverse events associated with administration of the oral N-acetylcysteine preparation by the intravenous route. ⋯ Intravenous administration of the oral N-acetylcysteine preparation appears to have limited adverse effects and offers another mechanism of delivery of the potentially lifesaving N-acetylcysteine when oral administration is not possible.
Critical care medicine · Jan 1998
Changes in breathing pattern and respiratory muscle performance parameters during difficult weaning.
This study examined, using noninvasive means, the changes in breathing pattern and inspiratory muscle pressure-time indices during difficult progressive withdrawal of pressure-support ventilation. ⋯ Breathing pattern alterations and respiratory muscle performance impairments lead to ventilator dependency after prolonged mechanical ventilation. The measurement of variables such as the noninvasive tracheal occlusion pressure, inspiratory power of breathing, and tension-time index of the inspiratory muscles facilitate the management of difficult-to-wean patients.