Critical care medicine
Critical care medicine · Mar 2005
Influence of heme-based solutions on stress protein expression and organ failure after hemorrhagic shock.
Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (e.g., diaspirin-cross-linked hemoglobin [DCLHb] and hemoglobin glutamer-200 [HbG]) may have potential in the treatment of hemorrhagic shock. The nitric oxide scavenging and direct vasoconstrictive side effects of free hemoglobin of currently available preparations may increase organ injury after shock in contrast to non-oxygen-carrying heme solutions (e.g., hemin arginate [HAR]). However, both classes of substances might induce the protective enzyme heme oxygenase (HO)-1, particularly in the liver. The aim of the study was to assess the role of pretreatment with DCLHb, HbG, or HAR on HO-1 expression and organ injury after hemorrhagic shock. ⋯ Although DCLHb, HbG, and HAR induce HO-1 in the absence of an unspecific stress response, only HAR pretreatment protects against shock-induced organ failure. Although the underlying mechanisms of positive HAR priming are not completely understood, the induction of HO-1 expression and the lack of nitric oxide scavenging through HAR may play an important role.
Critical care medicine · Mar 2005
Multicenter Study Clinical TrialCombining high-frequency oscillatory ventilation and recruitment maneuvers in adults with early acute respiratory distress syndrome: the Treatment with Oscillation and an Open Lung Strategy (TOOLS) Trial pilot study.
To determine the safety, feasibility, and lung-recruitment efficacy of an explicit ventilation protocol combining high-frequency oscillatory ventilation and recruitment maneuvers. ⋯ The combination of high-frequency oscillatory ventilation and recruitment maneuvers resulted in rapid and sustained improvement in oxygenation, likely through lung recruitment. This explicit high-frequency oscillatory ventilation protocol appears well tolerated, feasible, and physiologically sound.