Critical care medicine
Septic shock is associated with increased long-term morbidity and mortality. However, little is known about the use of hospital-based acute care in survivors after hospital discharge. The objectives of the study were to examine the frequency, timing, causes, and risk factors associated with emergency department visits and hospital readmissions within 30 days of discharge. ⋯ The use of hospital-based acute care appeared to be common in septic shock survivors. Encounters often led to readmission within 15 days of discharge, were frequently due to another acute condition, and appeared to result in substantial morbidity and mortality. Given the potential public health implications of these findings, validation studies are needed.
Critical care medicine · Apr 2015
Tissue Oxygen Saturation and Finger Perfusion Index in Central Hypovolemia: Influence of Pain.
Tissue oxygen saturation and peripheral perfusion index are proposed as early indirect markers of hypovolemia in trauma patients. Hypovolemia is associated with increased sympathetic nervous activity. However, many other stimuli, such as pain, also increase sympathetic activity. Since pain is often present in trauma patients, its effect on the indirect measures of hypovolemia needs to be clarified. The aim of this study was, therefore, to explore the effects of hypovolemia and pain on tissue oxygen saturation (measurement sites: cerebral, deltoid, forearm, and thenar) and finger photoplethysmographic perfusion index. ⋯ Pain (cold pressor test) reduces tissue oxygen saturation in all measurement sites (except cerebral) and perfusion index. In the presence of pain, tissue oxygen saturation and perfusion index are further reduced by hypovolemia (lower body negative pressure, -60 mm Hg). Thus, pain must be considered when evaluating tissue oxygen saturation and perfusion index as markers of hypovolemia in trauma patients.