Critical care medicine
Critical care medicine · Mar 2016
Effectiveness and Clinical Outcomes of a Two-Step Implementation of Conservative Oxygenation Targets in Critically Ill Patients: A Before and After Trial.
Conservative oxygen therapy is aimed at the prevention of harm by iatrogenic hyperoxia while preserving adequate tissue oxygenation. Our aim was to study the effectiveness and clinical outcomes of a two-step implementation of conservative oxygenation targets in the ICU. ⋯ Stepwise implementation of conservative oxygenation targets was feasible, effective, and seemed safe in critically ill patients. The implementation was associated with several changes in clinical outcomes, but the causal impact of conservative oxygenation is still to be determined.
To provide an overview of key elements of the Affordable Care Act. To evaluate ways in which the Affordable Care Act will likely impact the practice of critical care medicine. To describe strategies that may help health systems and providers effectively adapt to changes brought about by the Affordable Care Act. ⋯ The Affordable Care Act represents the furthest reaching regulatory changes in the U.S. healthcare system since the 1965 Medicare and Medicaid provisions of the Social Security Act. The Affordable Care Act aims to expand health insurance coverage to millions of Americans and place an emphasis on quality and cost-effectiveness of care. From models which link pay and performance to those which center on episodic care, the Affordable Care Act outlines sweeping changes to health systems, reimbursement structures, and the delivery of critical care. Staffing models that include daily rounding by an intensivist, palliative care integration, and expansion of the role of telemedicine in areas where intensivists are inaccessible are potential strategies that may improve quality and profitability of ICU care in the post-Affordable Care Act era.
Critical care medicine · Mar 2016
Comparative StudyInotropic Effects of Experimental Hyperthermia and Hypothermia on Left Ventricular Function in Pigs-Comparison With Dobutamine.
The results from the recent Targeted Temperature Management trial raised the question whether cooling or merely the avoidance of fever mediates better neurologic outcome in resuscitated patients. As temperature per se is a major determinant of cardiac function, we characterized the effects of hyperthermia (40.5°C), normothermia (38.0°C), and mild hypothermia (33.0°C) on left ventricular contractile function in healthy pigs and compared them with dobutamine infusion. ⋯ Cooling from hyperthermia to normothermia and from normothermia to mild hypothermia increased left ventricular contractility to a similar degree as a significant dose of dobutamine in the normal porcine heart. These data indicate that cooling can reduce the need for positive inotropes and that lower rather than higher temperatures are appropriate for the resuscitated failing heart.
Critical care medicine · Mar 2016
Development of Process Control Methodology for Tracking the Quality and Safety of Pain, Agitation, and Sedation Management in Critical Care Units.
To develop sedation, pain, and agitation quality measures using process control methodology and evaluate their properties in clinical practice. ⋯ Process control methodology can be used to simultaneously monitor multiple aspects of pain-sedation-agitation management within ICUs. Variation within and between ICUs could be used as triggers to explore practice variation, improve quality, and monitor this over time.
Critical care medicine · Mar 2016
Case ReportsHepatic Compartment Syndrome Following Percutaneous Cholecystostomy: A Case Report.
To describe a case of hepatic subcapsular hematoma causing an acute Budd-Chiari-like syndrome, leading to hepatic compartment syndrome, which combines compression of intrahepatic vessels on CT, acute liver failure, and refractory shock. ⋯ Hepatic compartment syndrome must be suspected when acute liver failure occurs in patients with subcapsular hematoma. Only early management may avoid a fatal outcome or the need for an emergency liver transplantation.