Critical care medicine
Temperature abnormalities are recognized as a marker of human disease, and the therapeutic value of temperature is an attractive treatment target. The objective of this synthetic review is to summarize and critically appraise evidence for active temperature management in critically ill patients. ⋯ Body temperature management in critically ill patients remains an appealing therapy for several illnesses, and additional studies are needed to clarify management strategies and therapeutic pathways.
Critical care medicine · Jul 2022
Multicenter StudyThe Use and Duration of Preintubation Respiratory Support Is Associated With Increased Mortality in Immunocompromised Children With Acute Respiratory Failure.
To determine the association between preintubation respiratory support and outcomes in patients with acute respiratory failure and to determine the impact of immunocompromised (IC) diagnoses on outcomes after adjustment for illness severity. ⋯ In IC pediatric patients, preintubation exposure to HFNC and/or NIPPV is associated with increased odds of PICU mortality, independent of illness severity. Longer duration of exposure to HFNC/NIPPV prior to IMV is associated with increased mortality in HCT patients.
Critical care medicine · Jul 2022
Multicenter StudyPreintubation Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score for Predicting COVID-19 Mortality: External Validation Using Electronic Health Record From 86 U.S. Healthcare Systems to Appraise Current Ventilator Triage Algorithms.
Prior research has hypothesized the Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) score to be a poor predictor of mortality in mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19. Yet, several U.S. states have proposed SOFA-based algorithms for ventilator triage during crisis standards of care. Using a large cohort of mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19, we externally validated the predictive capacity of the preintubation SOFA score for mortality prediction with and without other commonly used algorithm elements. ⋯ In a U.S. cohort of over 15,000 ventilated patients with COVID-19, the SOFA score displayed poor predictive accuracy for short-term mortality. Our findings warrant reappraisal of the SOFA score's implementation and weightage in existing ventilator triage pathways in current U.S. crisis standards of care guidelines.
Critical care medicine · Jul 2022
Validation of Respiratory Rate-Oxygenation Index in Patients With COVID-19-Related Respiratory Failure.
The respiratory rate-oxygenation (ROX) index is a fraction of oxygen saturation, Fio2, and respiratory rate that has been validated to predict receipt of invasive mechanical ventilation in patients receiving high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC). This study aimed to validate ROX in a cohort of inpatients with COVID-19-related respiratory failure. ⋯ The 12-hour ROX index has a positive predictive value (59.4%) using threshold of less than 3.85 for COVID-19 patients needing invasive mechanical ventilation. Our health system has embedded ROX into the electronic health record to prioritize rounding during periods of inpatient surge.
Critical care medicine · Jul 2022
Observational StudyEarly Clinical and Electrophysiological Brain Dysfunction Is Associated With ICU Outcomes in COVID-19 Critically Ill Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Prospective Bicentric Observational Study.
Describe the prevalence of acute cerebral dysfunction and assess the prognostic value of an early clinical and electroencephalography (EEG) assessment in ICU COVID-19 patients. ⋯ Clinical and neurophysiologic cerebral dysfunction is frequent in COVID-19 ARDS patients. Early severe EEG abnormalities with nonreactive and/or discontinuous background activity are associated with delayed awakening, delirium, and day-28 mortality.