Epilepsy research
Microdeletions at 15q11.2, 15q13.3 and 16p13.11 are known genetic risk factors for idiopathic generalized epilepsies and other neurodevelopmental disorders. The full phenotypic range of this microdeletion triad in pediatric epilepsies is unknown. We attempted to describe associated phenotypes in a cohort of pediatric epilepsy patients. ⋯ In contrast to previous reports, these recurrent microdeletions are virtually absent in focal epilepsies, FS, FS+ and GEFS+. Microdeletion carriers have a five-fold risk to present with various degrees of ID compared to patients without these risk factors. This microdeletion triad might help delineate a novel spectrum of epilepsy phenotypes classifiable through clinical, electrographic and genetic data.
Review Case Reports
Usefulness of Wada test in predicting seizure outcome following anterior temporal lobectomy.
To study the usefulness of the Wada test for predicting seizure outcome following anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL). ⋯ Wada test has limited usefulness for predicting seizure outcome following ATL.
Mortality in people with epilepsy has not previously been estimated in Georgia. We identified a prevalent cohort of people with epilepsy from a tertiary referral centre in Tbilisi, Georgia and attempted to establish survivorship status for all. One-way sensitivity analysis estimating mortality rates in those lost to follow-up was also used. ⋯ One SUDEP was confirmed with a further 4 possible, but the cause of death was unknown in 47%. The overall SMR was 1.4, with much higher SMRs (up to 12) in young people. The sensitivity analysis suggested an SMR of 3.0.
Diffusion tensor tractography (DTT) is a newer magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique that helps in evaluation of white matter. Presurgical planning with tractography may be valuable for evaluation of white matter tracts and their relationship with epileptogenic focus and for evaluation of cortical fibres around the epileptogenic zone. ⋯ We conclude that widespread diffusion abnormalities occur in the white matter tracts on the side of lesion as well as distant from the epileptic focus.
Since intracranial electrode implantation has limited spatial sampling and carries significant risk, placement has to be effective and efficient. Structural and functional imaging of several different modalities contributes to localising the seizure onset zone (SoZ) and eloquent cortex. There is a need to summarise and present this information throughout the pre/intra/post-surgical course. ⋯ We have demonstrated feasibility of the developed intraoperative M3N pipeline which serves as a prototype for clinical implementation. Further validity studies with larger sample groups are required to determine the utility of M3N in routine surgical practice.