Critical care nursing quarterly
This article reviews the scientific health and medical literature on accidental falls and fall prevention modalities specifically directed to the hospitalized elderly population over a 15-year period. ⋯ Fall prevention modalities may facilitate achievement of the ninth goal of The Joint Commission namely, to "reduce the risk of patient harm resulting form falls" and achievement of Healthy People 2010 15th goal namely, to "reduce death from falls."
A growing body of scientific evidence demonstrates negative effects of fatigue on human performance. Nursing practice encompasses many tasks that require optimal performance. Fatigue can be the result of a multitude of contributing causes. Nurses and nursing leaders must be aware of the causes and effects of fatigue and ensure that its impact is considered where staffing and patient safety intersect.
The diagnosis and treatment of liver injury have changed dramatically in the past 30 years. Because abdominal computed tomography scan now refines the diagnosis of liver injury, the observation and nonsurgical treatment of stable patients with blunt liver injury is now the standard. ⋯ There is ample data that validate this assertion. Implications for nurses in critical care include patient/family education and advocacy of treatment decisions and astute monitoring of the patient while in critical care.
A cursory evaluation of the Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, commonly known as the APACHE scoring system, validates its relevancy as the most widely used method for assessing severity and prognosis in intensive care unit patients. The APACHE system works and the evolution from APACHE I to APACHE IV reveal that each version has its positives and negatives. It would behoove critical care nurses to know differences and how each could be best utilized.
The postoperative management of a patient undergoing lung transplantation involves many components of care. These components include ventilatory and hemodynamic management, immunosuppression, wound care, rehabilitation, infection control and treatment, and early detection of rejection.