American journal of preventive medicine
Successfully reaching at-risk teens aged 12-17 years with smoking-prevention messages capable of changing their knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs about cigarette smoking requires a multifaceted approach to understand the target audience's unique demographic, environmental, behavioral, interpersonal, and intrapersonal characteristics. This paper explores the initial target audience segmentation and insights development approach used to create the underlying message strategy for "The Real Cost" youth smoking prevention media campaign-a public education effort responsible for preventing nearly 350,000 U. ⋯ S. Food and Drug Administration.
In tobacco prevention campaigns, fear-appeal messages are widely used and generally shown to be effective, whereas the utility of humor appeals is less clear. This study compares the potential effectiveness of fear and humor ads developed for "The Real Cost" campaign. ⋯ This article is part of a supplement entitled Fifth Anniversary Retrospective of "The Real Cost," the Food and Drug Administration's Historic Youth Smoking Prevention Media Campaign, which is sponsored by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Limited information is available on the health burden of diabetes at the state level. This study estimated state-specific attributable fractions and the number of cases attributable to diabetes for diabetes-related complications. ⋯ Diabetes carries a significant health burden, and results vary across states. Efforts to prevent or delay diabetes or to improve diabetes management could reduce the health burden because of diabetes.
Discussion of how the creation of the Center for Tobacco Products at the U. S. Food and Drug Administration, youth trends in cigarette smoking, and effectiveness of mass media interventions served as the foundation for the development of "The Real Cost" youth smoking prevention media campaign. ⋯ SUPPLEMENT INFORMATION: This article is part of a supplement entitled Fifth Anniversary Retrospective of "The Real Cost," the Food and Drug Administration's Historic Youth Smoking Prevention Media Campaign, which is sponsored by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration.