Acta oncologica
We present up to 45 years of cancer incidence data by occupational category for the Nordic populations. The study covers the 15 million people aged 30-64 years in the 1960, 1970, 1980/1981 and/or 1990 censuses in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, and the 2.8 million incident cancer cases diagnosed in these people in a follow-up until about 2005. The study was undertaken as a cohort study with linkage of individual records based on the personal identity codes used in all the Nordic countries. ⋯ Subsequent studies will focus on associations between specific work-related factors and cancer diseases with the aim to identify exposure-response patterns. In addition to the cancer data demonstrated in the present publication, the NOCCA project produced Nordic Job Exposure Matrix (described in separate articles in this issue of Acta Oncologica) that transforms information about occupational title histories to quantitative estimates of specific exposures. The third essential component is methodological development related to analysis and interpretation of results based on averaged information of exposures and co-factors in the occupational categories.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between response at recurrence to letrozole versus tamoxifen and the expression of estrogen regulated proteins individually and combined in an "ER activity profile" in primary tumor tissue. Our hypothesis is that letrozole may be more effective than tamoxifen for treatment of tumors with high intratumoral estrogen content, whereas tamoxifen may be more efficient for treatment of tumors with high levels of the estrogen receptor (ER) and low intratumoral estrogen content. ⋯ This small sub-study supports our hypothesis that letrozole is superior to tamoxifen primarily in patients expressing high levels of estrogen regulated proteins in the primary tumor tissue. Furthermore, it seems that the "ER activity profile" with high PR, IGF-IR and Bcl-2 is a promising selection criterion, regarding prediction of response to letrozole versus tamoxifen.
Comparative Study
Cognitive function and quality of life after surgery for early breast cancer in North Jutland, Denmark.
The aim of this study was to assess cognitive function, quality of life, and psychological distress after surgery for early breast cancer but before initiation of adjuvant treatment. ⋯ This study demonstrated that women diagnosed with breast cancer experience a significant deterioration of their perceived cognitive functioning, quality of life and of psychological well being.
The number of CT examinations performed in Denmark increased from 14,500 examinations in 1979 to 301,617 in 2005. This implies increased radiation dose to the population. On this background, an analysis of the practice for CT examinations including potential limitations of radiation exposure and the associated risk is needed. ⋯ The number of CT examinations at Aarhus Sygehus doubled during a 9 year period. The increase occured especially in middle and high age groups.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Neuropsychological functioning in postmenopausal breast cancer patients treated with tamoxifen or exemestane after AC-chemotherapy: cross-sectional findings from the neuropsychological TEAM-side study.
Previous studies have indicated that a subset of cancer patients treated with chemotherapy show cognitive deficits and/or experience cognitive complaints, whereas literature about the influence of hormonal therapies on cognition is sparse. Because of the accumulating knowledge about the importance of estrogen for cognitive functioning, there is growing concern about adjuvant hormonal therapy for breast cancer (BC) affecting cognition. We examined the cognitive functioning of postmenopausal BC patients who were, following doxorubicin/cyclophosphamide (AC) chemotherapy, randomized to tamoxifen or exemestane, and compared their performance with that of non-cancer controls. ⋯ Our findings show that sequential treatment of AC-chemotherapy and hormonal therapy in postmenopausal, primary BC is associated with lower test scores for certain cognitive functions, and provide indications for possibly distinctive associations for different types of hormonal treatment. Future research with larger groups is recommended to obtain a more definite picture.