Clinical rehabilitation
Clinical rehabilitation · Sep 2015
The effect of a structured model for stroke rehabilitation multi-disciplinary team meetings on functional recovery and productivity: a Phase I/II proof of concept study.
Regular multidisciplinary team meetings are the main way that teams operate, yet our earlier research found they can sometimes be suboptimal. We developed a model to structure multidisciplinary team meetings and assessed the feasibility, acceptability and impact of its implementation on meeting quality and patient outcomes. ⋯ A feasible and acceptable model to structure multidisciplinary stroke team meetings has been developed and implemented. This increased meeting quality without increase in resources and may increase patient recovery.
Clinical rehabilitation · Sep 2015
ReviewEarly mobilization of patients who have had a hip or knee joint replacement reduces length of stay in hospital: a systematic review.
To systematically review the effect of early mobilization after hip or knee joint replacement surgery on length of stay in an acute hospital. ⋯ Early mobilization post hip or knee joint replacement surgery can result in a reduced length of stay of about 1.8 days. Trials that reported these positive results showed that early mobilization can be achieved within 24 hours of operation. This positive gain was achieved without an increase in negative outcomes.
Clinical rehabilitation · Aug 2015
Review Meta AnalysisThe efficacy of Botulinum Toxin A on improving ease of care in the upper and lower limbs: a systematic review and meta-analysis using the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation approach.
A systematic review and meta-analysis using the Grades of Recommendation, Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach; evaluating Botulinum Toxin type A efficacy on improving ease of care in the upper/lower limb. ⋯ Botulinum Toxin A improves ease of care in the upper limb for up to six months. No conclusion can be drawn for the lower limb.
Clinical rehabilitation · Aug 2015
A study of whether video scoring is a reliable option for blinded scoring of the Gross Motor Function Measure-88.
To investigate the agreement between live and video scores of the Gross Motor Function Measure-88. ⋯ The Gross Motor Function Measure-88 can be reliably scored using video recordings. The agreement between live and video scores is lower than the intra-rater reliability using video recordings only. Future clinical trial results should be interpreted using the appropriate SEM and SDC values.
Clinical rehabilitation · Aug 2015
Multicenter StudyA multicentre study of intentional behavioural responses measured using the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised in patients with minimally conscious state.
To investigate which conscious behaviour is most frequently detected using the Coma Recovery Scale-Revised in patients with minimally conscious state. ⋯ Non-reflexive visual behaviour, identified by the visual subscale of Coma Recovery Scale-Revised, is the most frequently detected intentional sign consistent with the diagnosis of minimally conscious state, independently from aetiology and time post-onset.