The European respiratory journal : official journal of the European Society for Clinical Respiratory Physiology
Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Inhalation of dry-powder mannitol increases mucociliary clearance.
Inhalation of hypertonic saline stimulates mucociliary clearance (MCC) in healthy subjects and those with obstructive lung disease. We investigated the effect of inhaling the osmotic agent mannitol on MCC. We used a dry-powder preparation of mannitol British Pharmacopea (BP) which was encapsulated and delivered using a Dinkihaler. ⋯ The total clearance in the whole right lung for the 60 min from the start of inhalation of mannitol was greater by 263+/-11.9% in the asthmatic and 18.1+/-4.9% in the healthy subjects compared to the control. The total clearance over 75 min was 54.7+/-9.6% and 33.6+/-9.4% on the mannitol and control day (p<0.002), respectively, in the asthmatic subjects and 40.5+/-7.1% and 24.8+/-7.8% (p<0.002) in the healthy subjects. In conclusion, inhalation of dry-powder mannitol increases mucociliary clearance in asthmatic and healthy subjects and may benefit patients with abnormal mucociliary clearance.
The objective of this study was to compare the breathing pattern of patients who failed to wean from mechanical ventilation to the pattern during acute respiratory failure. We hypothesized that a similar breathing pattern occurs under both conditions. Breathing pattern, mouth occlusion pressure (P[0.1]) and maximum inspiratory pressure (P[I,max]) were measured in 15 patients during acute respiratory failure, within 24 h of the institution of mechanical ventilation, and in 49 patients during recovery, when they were ready for discontinuation from mechanical ventilation. ⋯ The P(I,max) of patients who failed to wean was similar to that of patients who weaned successfully. We conclude that patients who failed to wean had a breathing pattern similar to that during acute respiratory failure, despite a reduced mechanical load on the respiratory muscles and a relatively adequate inspiratory muscle strength. This suggests that strategies that enhance respiratory muscle endurance may facilitate weaning.
Case Reports
Nasal ventilation in pregnancy: treatment of nocturnal hypoventilation in a patient with kyphoscoliosis.
The management of a young woman with congenital kyphoscoliosis, who developed symptomatic nocturnal hypoventilation during the third trimester of pregnancy, is described. Nasal intermittent positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) was safely and effectively used to correct nocturnal hypoxaemia and hypercapnia from the 30th-36th week of gestation, when a healthy boy was delivered by Caesarean section. Following delivery, the mother no longer required NIPPV and returned to her prepregnancy level of activity.
In order to assess the relative contribution of the lung and the chest wall to the derangements of respiratory mechanics in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients with acute ventilatory failure (AVF), we studied eight COPD patients undergoing controlled mechanical ventilation for AVF and nine normal subjects anaesthetized for surgery as a control group. With the use of the interrupter technique together with the oesophageal balloon technique we measured: static lung and chest wall elastances (E[st,L] and E[st,w], respectively), maximum (R[L,max]), minimum (R[L,min]) and additional (deltaR[L]) lung resistances, additional chest wall resistance (deltaRw) and, in the COPD group, total intrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEPtot). ⋯ We found that, in the COPD group: 1) both E(st,w) and deltaRw were higher than in the normal group; 2) R(L,max) was markedly increased due to an increase of both R(L,min) and deltaRL; 3) even low levels of PEEP increased PEEPtot; 4) PEEP did not reduce elastance or total resistance of either the lung or the chest wall. We conclude that chest wall mechanics are abnormal in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with acute ventilatory failure undergoing controlled mechanical ventilation and that positive end-expiratory pressure does not seem to be effective in reducing either elastance or resistance of the lung or chest wall.
Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
Cardiopulmonary exercise testing following hay exposure challenge in farmer's lung.
In patients experiencing an acute episode of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP), the alveoli and interstitium show a marked inflammation. The effects of this infiltration with effector cells on gas exchange and the cardiopulmonary system are not well characterized, and there are no data regarding cardiopulmonary exercise testing during hypersensitivity pneumonitis. The aim of this study was to gain new insights into the pathophysiology of acute farmer's lung using cardiopulmonary exercise testing. ⋯ In addition, 40% of the asymptomatic farmers demonstrated a pathological increase of the alveolar to arterial oxygen difference during exercise following exposure. In conclusion, our data signify that acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis induces significant changes in pulmonary gas exchange during exercise. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing may help to identify individuals with possible subclinical farmer's lung disease.