Clinical anatomy : official journal of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists & the British Association of Clinical Anatomists
The lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve (LACN) is the terminal sensory branch of the musculocutaneous nerve supplying the lateral aspect of forearm. Because of its close proximity to the biceps brachii tendon (BBT), the lateral epicondyle (LE), and the cephalic vein (CV), surgery and venipuncture in the cubital fossa can injure the LACN. Measurement data regarding the relative anatomy of LACN are scarce. ⋯ In the forearm, the LACN tends to course medial to the CV. Significant differences in the measurement data between genders but not sides were found in some parameters. These data are important for avoiding LACN injury and locating the LACN during relevant medical procedures.
Many pathological processes can present as a swelling in the groin. We present a case of complex, ruptured pyonephrosis causing a psoas collection, which in turn presented clinically as an apparent right "incarcerated inguinal hernia." The patient was successfully treated with antibiotics and ultrasound-guided drainage of the abscess. The anatomical basis of the inguinal presentation of this complex pyonephrosis can be understood in the arrangement of the renal (Gerota's) fascia.
Letter Case Reports Historical Article
A modern perspective on the earliest description of an intraneural ganglion cyst arising from the knee joint.
Comparative Study Observational Study
Thoracic paravertebral spread using two different ultrasound-guided intercostal injection techniques in human cadavers.
The continuity between the intercostal and paravertebral space has been established by several studies. In this study, the paravertebral spread of a colored dye was attempted with two different ultrasound-guided techniques. The posterior area of the trunk was scanned with a linear probe between the level of the fifth and the seventh thoracic vertebrae in eleven embalmed human cadavers. ⋯ Successful spread of the dye to the thoracic paravertebral space was recorded in 89.5% cases using the transverse technique and 92.8% cases using the longitudinal technique. No intrapleural spread of the dye was recorded in either technique. Ultrasound-guided injection into the intercostal space may offer an alternative approach to the thoracic paravertebral space.
Atlas bridges are bony outgrowths over the third segment of the vertebral artery. They may exist as incipient, incomplete, or complete bridges, converting the groove into a deep sulcus, incomplete, or complete foramen respectively. These bridges and their associated foramina display bilateral and sex differences in their prevalence and type. ⋯ Complete bridges were more prevalent in females and were more often present on the right side. This pattern seems to mirror the sexual predilection of vertebral artery compression syndromes. Gender roles may have an influence on the occurrence of these bridges and therefore the syndromes as well.