Current opinion in infectious diseases
This review summarizes recent developments in the diagnosis and treatment of fungal pneumonia, with an emphasis on invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. ⋯ Galactomannan antigen detection is a valuable tool for evaluating patients at risk for invasive aspergillosis (as a screening assay on serum samples from neutropenic patients or as a confirmatory assay on bronchoalveolar lavage fluid samples, in general), but should be used in conjunction with modern imaging techniques. beta-D-Glucan and PCR assays are still investigational. Voriconazole is the drug of choice for invasive aspergillosis, whereas liposomal amphotericin B at 3 mg/kg per day is the preferred alternative in case of contraindication, drug-related side-effects, or intolerance. Whenever possible, optimal antifungal therapy should be complemented by surgical debridement of necrotic tissue. The added value of combination therapy is still unproven. Therapeutic drug monitoring of mold-active azoles should be implemented in order to minimize toxicity and maximize efficacy. Lipid-based formulations of amphotericin B, and to a lesser extent voriconazole, are the drugs of choice for non-Aspergillus related fungal pneumonia. Although active in prophylaxis, the efficacy of posaconazole in confirmed infections remains controversial.
Curr. Opin. Infect. Dis. · Apr 2009
ReviewBundles to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia: how valuable are they?
To review the value of care bundles to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). ⋯ The Ventilator Bundle is an effective method to reduce VAP rates in ICUs. The ventilator bundle should be modified and expanded to include specific processes of care that have been definitively demonstrated to be effective in VAP reduction or a specific VAP bundle created to focus on VAP prevention.
Invasive fungal infections remain a serious complication for critically ill ICU patients. The aim of this article is to review recent efficacy data of newer antifungal agents for the treatment of invasive candidiasis. The influence that recent epidemiological trends, advances in diagnostic testing, and risk prediction methods exert on the optimization of antifungal therapy for critically ill ICU patients will also be reviewed. ⋯ Echinocandins, given their clinical efficacy, spectrum of activity, and favourable pharmacological properties, are likely to replace fluconazole as initial antifungal agents of choice among critically ill ICU patients. The optimization of patient outcomes will require more accurately targeted early antifungal intervention strategies based upon sensitive and specific biological and clinical markers of risk.
Curr. Opin. Infect. Dis. · Dec 2008
ReviewGram-negative sepsis in the intensive care unit: avoiding therapeutic failure.
The purpose of this review is to examine some of the latest concepts in the management of sepsis and septic shock in the Intensive Care environment, with a focus on Gram-negative infections. ⋯ The balance between the most effective and the most responsible prescribing is difficult to strike, but recognition of the impact of antibiotic failure makes it even more important to consider how we husband the microflora of the ICU. New therapeutic options are somewhat limited but goal-directed protocol-driven approaches linked with sound knowledge of the microflora and our impact upon it as an ecosystem is essential.