Journal of neurotrauma
Journal of neurotrauma · Apr 2013
Review Meta AnalysisSafety and efficacy of early pharmacological thromboprophylaxis in traumatic brain injury: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) are at an increased risk of developing venous thromboembolic events (VTE). Pharmacological thromboprophylaxis (PTP) is routinely delayed because of concerns of exacerbating intracranial hemorrhage (ICH). The aim of this review is to examine the literature and assimilate suitable data to assess the safety and efficacy of PTP administered within 72 h in TBI patients. ⋯ Assessing safety, the relative risk of ICH progression in the early compared with the late PTP group was 0.64 (0.35, 1.14). Based on the available literature, we can tentatively conclude that early PTP (<72 h) reduces the risk of VTE without affecting progression of ICH. However, much work is yet to be done to better clarify ICH subtypes at risk of progression and the implementation of evidence-based guidelines backed up with randomized control trial level evidence.
Journal of neurotrauma · Apr 2013
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyAlbumin resuscitation for traumatic brain injury: is intracranial hypertension the cause of increased mortality?
Mortality is higher in patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) resuscitated with albumin compared with saline, but the mechanism for increased mortality is unknown. In patients from the Saline vs. Albumin Fluid Evaluation (SAFE) study with TBI who underwent intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring, interventional data were collected from randomization to day 14 to determine changes in ICP (primary outcome) and in therapies used to treat increased ICP. ⋯ There were statistically significant differences in the mean total daily doses of morphine (-0.42±0.07 vs. -0.66±0.0, p=0.0009), propofol (-0.45±0.11 vs. -0.76±0.11; p=0.034) and norepinephrine (-0.50±0.07 vs. -0.74±0.07) and in temperature (0.03±0.03 vs. 0.16±0.03; p=0.0014) between the albumin and saline groups when ICP monitoring ceased during the first week. The use of albumin for resuscitation in patients with severe TBI is associated with increased ICP during the first week. This is the most likely mechanism of increased mortality in these patients.
Journal of neurotrauma · Apr 2013
Behavioral deficits and axonal injury persistence after rotational head injury are direction dependent.
Pigs continue to grow in importance as a tool in neuroscience. However, behavioral tests that have been validated in the rodent model do not translate well to pigs because of their very different responses to behavioral stimuli. We refined metrics for assessing porcine open field behavior to detect a wide spectrum of clinically relevant behaviors in the piglet post-traumatic brain injury (TBI). ⋯ Acute behavioral outcomes post-TBI showed a dependence on the rotational plane of the brain injury, with animals with sagittal injuries demonstrating a greater level of inactivity and less random usage of the open field space than those with axial injuries. The persistence of axonal injury is also dependent on the rotational plane, with sagittal rotations causing more prolonged injuries than axial rotations. These results are consistent with animal studies, finite element models, and studies of concussions in football, which have all demonstrated differences in injury severity depending upon the direction of head impact rotation.
Journal of neurotrauma · Apr 2013
Monitoring functional impairment and recovery after traumatic brain injury in rats by FMRI.
The present study was designed to test a hypothesis that functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can be used to monitor functional impairment and recovery after moderate experimental traumatic brain injury (TBI). Moderate TBI was induced by lateral fluid percussion injury in adult rats. The severity of brain damage and functional recovery in the primary somatosensory cortex (S1) was monitored for up to 56 days using fMRI, cerebral blood flow (CBF) by arterial spin labeling, local field potential measurements (LFP), behavioral assessment, and histology. ⋯ This is, to our knowledge, the first study demonstrating that fMRI can be used to monitor post-TBI functional impairment and consequent spontaneous recovery. Moreover, the BOLD response was associated with the density of myelinated fibers in the S1, rather than with neurodegeneration. The present findings encourage exploration of the usefulness of fMRI as a noninvasive prognostic biomarker for human post-TBI outcomes and therapy responses.
Journal of neurotrauma · Apr 2013
S100B is an important outcome predictor in traumatic brain injury.
The objective of the study was to examine how S100B, a biomarker of traumatic brain injury (TBI), contributes to outcome prediction after adjusting for known parameters, including age, Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), pupil reaction, and computed tomography (CT) variables; to examine which parameters have the best correlation to elevated serum levels of S100B; and to investigate when to sample S100B to achieve the strongest association to outcome. This retrospective study included 265 patients with TBI admitted to the neurointensive care unit, Karolinska University Hospital Solna, Stockholm, Sweden. Univariate and multivariate proportional odds regressions were performed to determine parameters most closely related to outcome, and how S100B adds to prediction accuracy. ⋯ S100B adds substantial information regarding patient outcome, in excess of that provided by known parameters. Only CT variables were found to be significant predictors of increased levels of S100B in uni- and multivariate analysis. Early samples of S100B, within 12 h after trauma, appear to have little prognostic value, and S100B should likely be sampled 12-36 h following trauma to best enhance TBI outcome prediction.