Journal of neurotrauma
Journal of neurotrauma · Feb 2024
Review Meta AnalysisPrognostic Value of Frailty for Outcome Following Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
Frailty is a known predictor of negative health outcomes. The role of frailty in predicting outcomes after traumatic brain injury (TBI), however, is unclear. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the association between frailty and adverse outcomes in patients with TBI. ⋯ The analysis, however, did not find a significant predictive role for frailty on death (30-day or in-hospital death). The OR for higher frailty and death was 1.42 with a 95% CI of 0.92-2.19. Frailty should be considered in the evaluation of patients with TBI to identify those who may be at increased risk of negative outcomes.
Journal of neurotrauma · Feb 2024
Repetitive Head Injury and Cognitive, Physical, and Emotional Symptoms in Women Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence.
Many women survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) experience repetitive head injuries in their lifetime, but limited research has examined the cumulative effects of multiple head injuries on post-concussion symptom severity in this population. This study examined how number of lifetime head injuries and episodes of loss of consciousness (LOC) due to head injuries were related to current cognitive, physical, and emotional symptoms among women survivors of IPV. Cisgender women from Kentucky were recruited following a protective order against an intimate partner, including 268 women with no reported lifetime head injuries and 250 women with one or more IPV-related head injuries (mean [M] = 17.2 head injuries, standard deviation [SD] = 50.5, median [Mdn] = 4, range = 1-515; M = 1.8 LOC episodes, SD = 4.3, Mdn = 1, range = 0-35, respectively). ⋯ Among women survivors of IPV, cumulative head injuries appear related to greater symptom severity. Greater head injury history was independently related to worse physical symptoms (e.g., headaches, dizziness, sleep problems), whereas cognitive and emotional symptoms were, in part, attributable to cumulative physical and emotional trauma due to IPV. Women survivors of IPV with repetitive head injuries have unmet neurobehavioral health needs that may benefit from targeted interventions.
Journal of neurotrauma · Feb 2024
Tau imaging in late traumatic brain injury: a [18F]MK-6240 PET study.
Epidemiological studies have identified prior traumatic brain injury (TBI) as a risk factor for developing Alzheimer's disease (AD). Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) are common to AD and chronic traumatic encephalopathy following repetitive mild TBI. However, it is unclear if a single TBI is sufficient to cause accumulation of NFTs. ⋯ Within the TBI group, One Touch Stockings problem solving and spatial working memory (executive function), reaction time (attention), and Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) (global cognition) were associated with [18F]MK-6240 SUVR. We found no group-based increase of [18F]MK-6240 brain uptake in patients scanned at least 2 years after a single TBI compared with healthy volunteers, which suggests that no NFTs are building up in the first years after a single TBI. Nonetheless, correlations with cognitive outcomes were found that warrant further investigation.
Journal of neurotrauma · Feb 2024
Head Injury due to Intimate Partner Violence: Injury Characteristics, Subacute Symptoms, and Receipt of Care.
Women survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) have increased risk of repetitive neurotrauma in their lifetime but have received less research focus compared with populations of athletes, veterans, and emergency department patients. The current study examined the importance of IPV as a contextual mechanism of injury, by comparing women survivors of IPV based on whether they experienced a head injury due to IPV or a head injury not due to IPV. The analyses involved archival data from in-person interviews conducted with women who received a protective order against an intimate partner in Kentucky from 2001 to 2004 (n = 641). ⋯ Among women survivors of IPV, those reporting IPV-related head injuries reported greater subacute symptoms, but a lower likelihood of being hospitalized or receiving rehabilitative care. Women with self-reported IPV-related head injuries represent an underserved population that is often unevaluated following injury and may have many unmet care needs. Future studies should examine persistent symptoms following IPV-related head injuries and interventions that would be most beneficial for this population.
Journal of neurotrauma · Feb 2024
Intimate partner violence and other trauma exposures in females with traumatic brain injury.
We examined whether females with a history of traumatic brain injury (TBI) and intimate partner violence (IPV) have greater exposure to lifetime trauma relative to females with TBI but no IPV history. Further, we assessed the effects of lifetime trauma on psychological outcomes after TBI. Female participants (n = 70; age M [standard deviation-SD] = 50.5 [15.2] years) with TBI (time since injury median [interquartile range -IQR] = 10.2 [5.3-17.8] years) completed a structured assessment of lifetime history of TBI, including an IPV module to query head injuries from physical violence by an intimate partner. ⋯ Exposure to all three sources of trauma (ACEs, CV, and IPV) was associated with worse PTSD symptoms relative to fewer traumas. The results highlight the scope of traumatic exposures among TBI survivors and the importance of considering IPV and other lifetime trauma exposure in assessing and managing TBI. Trauma-informed interventions that are modified for TBI-related impairment may offer improved outcomes in managing psychological symptoms.