BMJ : British medical journal
Multicenter Study
Effect of NHS walk-in centre on local primary healthcare services: before and after observational study.
To assess the effect of an NHS walk-in centre on local primary and emergency healthcare services. ⋯ The NHS walk-in centre did not greatly affect the workload of local general practitioners. However, the workload of the local minor injuries unit increased significantly, probably because it was in the same building as the walk-in centre.
Multicenter Study
Impact of NHS walk-in centres on the workload of other local healthcare providers: time series analysis.
To assess the impact of NHS walk-in centres on the workload of local accident and emergency departments, general practices, and out of hours services. ⋯ It will be necessary to assess the impact of walk-in centres in a larger number of sites and over a prolonged period, to determine whether they reduce the demand on other local NHS providers.
To evaluate the cost effectiveness of four disease modifying treatments (interferon betas and glatiramer acetate) for relapsing remitting and secondary progressive multiple sclerosis in the United Kingdom. ⋯ Cost effectiveness varied markedly between the interventions. Uncertainty around point estimates was substantial. This uncertainty could be reduced by conducting research on the true magnitude of the effect of these drugs, the progression of patients after stopping treatment, the costs of care, and the quality of life of the patients. Price was the key modifiable determinant of the cost effectiveness of these treatments.