Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges
Meta Analysis
Determinants of primary care specialty choice: a non-statistical meta-analysis of the literature.
This paper analyzes and synthesizes the literature on primary care specialty choice from 1987 through 1993. To improve the validity and usefulness of the conclusions drawn from the literature, the authors developed a model of medical student specialty choice to guide the synthesis, and used only high-quality research (a final total of 73 articles). They found that students predominantly enter medical school with a preference for primary care careers, but that this preference diminishes over time (particularly over the clinical clerkship years). ⋯ Strikingly few schools produce a majority of primary care graduates who enter family practice, general internal medicine, or general practice residencies or who actually practice as generalists. Even specially designed tracks seldom produce more than 60% primary care graduates. Twelve recommendations for strategies to increase the proportion of primary care physicians are provided.
Literature analyses and syntheses are becoming increasingly important as a means of periodically bringing coherence to a research area, contributing new knowledge revealed by integrating single studies, and quickly informing scientists of the state of the field. As a result, there is a need for approaches that can provide replicable, reliable, and trustworthy results. Over the last decade many researchers have begun using the statistical meta-analysis approach to integrate studies. ⋯ This approach includes model development, literature retrieval, literature coding, rating references for quality, annotating high-quality references, and synthesizing only the subset of the literature found of sufficient quality to be considered. Also, the basic results of each included study are reported in the synthesis so that readers have before them all the "data points" used in the synthesis. Thus, readers can draw their own interpretations without having to re-collect the data, just as they would be able to do in any single study that presents original data as well as conclusions and discussion.
To analyze the construct validity of three methods to assess the clinical performances of internal medicine clerks. ⋯ There was convergent validity and some evidence of divergent validity with a significant method effect. The findings were similar for correlations corrected for attenuation. Four conclusions were reached: (1) the reliability of the OSCE must be improved, (2) the CEF ratings must be redesigned to further discriminate among the specific traits assessed, (3) additional methods to assess personal characteristics must be instituted, and (4) several assessment methods should be used to evaluate individual student performances.
Currently one federal program funds community health centers (CHCs) to provide services in underserved communities, and a second supports development of primary care teaching programs. Teaching CHCs respond to both program's goals, but their development is hindered by restrictive regulations of the two programs and lack of information regarding cost. ⋯ Developing graduate medical education programs in CHCs can be a cost-effective way of increasing the pool of appropriately trained primary care physicians and increasing health care access for underserved populations. If teaching CHCs are to expand, provisions will need to be made for adequate reimbursement of their costs.
Interviews are commonly used to measure noncognitive traits of medical school applicants. The present study investigated the influence of knowledge of applicants' cognitive abilities on interviewers' ratings of noncognitive traits. ⋯ If the goal of the medical school admission interview is to assess noncognitive traits independently from academic skills, the authors recommend that MCAT and GPA data not be available to interviewers during interviews. The authors also found that gender and race influenced interview ratings in accordance with affirmative-action goals. Finally, the authors found that interview scores were only moderately reliable across different interviewers. They discuss ways to increase their reliability.