Journal of anesthesia
Journal of anesthesia · Oct 2020
ReviewGeneral anesthesia affecting on developing brain: evidence from animal to clinical research.
As the recent update of General anaesthesia compared to spinal anaesthesia (GAS) studies has been published in 2019, together with other clinical evidence, the human studies provided an overwhelming mixed evidence of an association between anaesthesia exposure in early childhood and later neurodevelopment changes in children. Pre-clinical studies in animals provided strong evidence on how anaesthetic and sedative agents (ASAs) causing neurotoxicity in developing brain and deficits in long-term cognitive functions. However pre-clinical results cannot translate to clinical practice directly. ⋯ More clinical studies with larger scale observations, randomized trials with longer duration exposure of GAs and follow-ups, more sensitive outcome measurements, and strict confounder controls are needed in the future to provide more conclusive and informative data. New research area has been developed to contribute in finding solutions for clinical practice as attenuating the neurotoxic effect of ASAs. Xenon and Dexmedetomidine are already used in clinical setting as neuroprotection and anaesthetic sparing-effect, but more research is still needed.
Journal of anesthesia · Oct 2020
ReviewReview 2: Primary graft dysfunction after lung transplant-pathophysiology, clinical considerations and therapeutic targets.
Primary graft dysfunction (PGD) is one of the most common complications in the early postoperative period and is the most common cause of death in the first postoperative month. The underlying pathophysiology is thought to be the ischaemia-reperfusion injury that occurs during the storage and reperfusion of the lung engraftment; this triggers a cascade of pathological changes, which result in pulmonary vascular dysfunction and loss of the normal alveolar architecture. ⋯ To date, although treatment options for PGD are limited, there are several promising experimental therapeutic targets. In this review, we will discuss the pathophysiology, clinical management and potential therapeutic targets of PGD.
Journal of anesthesia · Aug 2020
Review Case ReportsInterpreting the results of early skin tests after perioperative anaphylaxis requires special attention: a case report and review of literature.
Skin tests are the gold standard for detecting the culprit drug of anaphylaxis, and should ideally be performed after an interval of 4-6 weeks after the reaction to avoid false-negative results. However, when re-operation cannot be delayed and early allergy tests are necessary, special attention is required during subsequent anesthesia, because early skin tests tend to produce false-negative results. This report presents a case of rocuronium-induced anaphylaxis in which early skin tests showed negative results for all the drugs tested. ⋯ In this report, we also discuss interpretation of the results of early skin tests and subsequent selection of drugs for anesthesia. After postponement of surgery due to anaphylaxis, we are often required to perform allergy tests at an early stage if re-operation cannot be delayed. In such cases, skin test results alone should not be used to guide subsequent anesthesia management to avoid recurrent anaphylaxis.
Journal of anesthesia · Aug 2020
Review Case ReportsAnesthesia and protection in an emergency cesarean section for pregnant woman infected with a novel coronavirus: case report and literature review.
Careful planning and preparation before emergency cesarean section for COVID-19 infected parturient is essential to reduce healthcare worker infection and ensure mother & infant safety.
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Journal of anesthesia · Aug 2020
ReviewReview 1: Lung transplant-from donor selection to graft preparation.
For various end-stage lung diseases, lung transplantation remains one of the only viable treatment options. While the demand for lung transplantation has steadily risen over the last few decades, the availability of donor grafts is limited, which have resulted in progressively longer waiting lists. ⋯ Due to the donor shortages, there is ongoing discussion about the safe use of 'suboptimal' grafts to expand the donor pool. In this review, we will discuss the considerations around donor selection, donor-recipient matching, graft preparation and graft optimisation.