Journal of anesthesia
Journal of anesthesia · Feb 2016
Review Meta Analysis Comparative StudyCuffed versus uncuffed endotracheal tubes in children: a meta-analysis.
Cuffed endotracheal tubes (ETTs) have increasingly been used in small children. However, the use of cuffed ETTs in small children is still controversial. The goal of this meta-analysis is to assess the current evidence regarding the postextubation morbidity and tracheal tube (TT) exchange rate of cuffed ETTs compared to uncuffed ETTs in children. ⋯ Our study demonstrates that cuffed ETTs reduce the need for TT exchanges and do not increase the risk for postextubation stridor compared with uncuffed ETTs.
Journal of anesthesia · Feb 2016
ReviewDevelopment of technologies for placement of perineural catheters.
Continuous peripheral nerve block (CPNB) success is largely dependent on placement of the catheter close enough to the nerve to allow effective and sustained analgesia following painful surgeries with a minimum volume of local anesthetic. One of the most common problems associated with CPNB involves accurate placement of the catheter tip, migration, and dislodgement of the catheter. ⋯ In response to the challenges of providing safe, effective, and consistently reliable analgesia, research and development in this field is expanding rapidly. This review article presents results from recent publications addressing the subject of peripheral nerve catheter localization.
Journal of anesthesia · Dec 2015
Review Meta AnalysisBeta-adrenergic antagonists during general anesthesia reduced postoperative pain: a systematic review and a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
We have performed a systematic literature review and a meta-analysis investigating the effect of beta-adrenergic antagonist on perioperative pain in randomized clinical trials (RCTs). The search included the CENTRAL, CINAHL, EMBASE, and MEDLINE databases (from inception to 10 February 2015). From the retrieved full texts, we hand-searched the references and PubMed related citations. ⋯ However, in two opioid-controlled studies, one in knee arthroscopy and another in tubal ligation patients, the proportion of patients needing rescue analgesia was two-times higher in esmolol-treated patients: 52-57 vs. 23-34%, p < 0.05. Adverse effects were rarely reported, and as reported were mostly cardiovascular alterations. In conclusion, intra-operative beta-adrenergic antagonists' administration may decrease postoperative pain and analgesic consumption when given as an adjuvant to general anesthesia.
Journal of anesthesia · Dec 2015
ReviewFactors affecting survival in pediatric cardiac tamponade caused by central venous catheters.
Pediatric central venous catheter (CVC) placement is useful but associated with complications such as cardiac tamponade. We aimed to identify risk factors for death in cardiac tamponade. Published articles on pediatric CVC-associated cardiac tamponade were obtained by searching PubMed and Google and retrospectively reviewed to analyze risk factors for death. ⋯ Multiple regression analysis in 44 cases showed that treatment (p < 0.0001) and initial CVC tip position (p = 0.020) were independent predictive factors related to improved cardiac tamponade survival. Past studies have mainly discussed how to avoid pediatric cardiac tamponade; by contrast, the present study focused on how to avoid deaths. The findings of this review suggest that cardiac tamponade survival is better when tamponade is detected early and treated promptly and might be affected by initial CVC tip position.
Journal of anesthesia · Dec 2015
ReviewAnesthetic management of pediatric patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome: our experience and a review of the literature.
Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) is a rare sporadic congenital neurocutaneous syndrome which is characterized by vascular malformation involving the brain, face and eye. The anesthetic management is complicated by its localized as well as systemic manifestations, associated anomalies and difficult airway due to the presence of angiomas of the oral cavity and airway. We retrospective analyzed the perioperative anesthetic management of children with SWS undergoing ophthalmic surgery and reviewed the literature. ⋯ Preoperative evaluation with airway assessment should be performed with the knowledge of local and systemic manifestation of the syndrome. Proconvulsant and anticonvulsant properties of the anesthetics, as well as drug interactions of antiepileptic medications should be considered when planning anesthesia. Avoiding a rise in intracranial and intraocular pressures, vigilant intraoperative monitoring and postoperative care are the key for conducting safe anesthesia in these children. For ophthalmic procedures, LMAs can be used for airway maintenance with minimal complications in children with SWS.