Journal of neurosurgical anesthesiology
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol · Apr 2012
Randomized Controlled TrialPerioperative pregabalin for postoperative pain control and quality of life after major spinal surgery.
Adequate management of postoperative pain after major spine surgery is often difficult to achieve. We investigated the efficacy of an antineuropathic pain drug, pregabalin (PG), on postoperative pain control and on improvement of quality of life (QoL). ⋯ Perioperative PG administration reduces early postsurgical pain at rest and particularly during movement after major spine surgery with less opioid consumption, and it seems to influence the improvement of overall QoL 3 months after surgery.
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol · Apr 2012
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyComparison of the effects of etomidate and propofol combined with remifentanil and guided by comparable BIS on transcranial electrical motor-evoked potentials during spinal surgery.
Transcranial electrical motor-evoked potentials (TceMEPs) can provide early warning of possible motor compromise during surgery. There are fewer reports comparing the effects of etomidate and propofol infusion on TceMEPs when used for the maintenance of anesthesia and guided by comparable values of bispectral index (BIS) during spinal surgery. ⋯ Etomidate has more favorable effects than propofol during the monitoring of TceMEPs under comparable BIS levels.
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol · Apr 2012
Randomized Controlled TrialChanges in intraocular pressure during prone spine surgery under propofol and sevoflurane anesthesia.
Intraocular pressure (IOP) has been shown to increase during prone spine surgery. Although propofol and sevoflurane have been widely used during such surgery, there have been no data to compare the IOP changes under propofol and sevoflurane anesthesia. The present study was therefore conducted to investigate IOP changes under propofol and sevoflurane anesthesia during prone spine surgery. ⋯ The results indicated that the choice of anesthetic agent, sevoflurane or propofol, did not have significant effects on IOP changes during a relatively short interval of prone spine surgery.
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol · Jan 2012
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative StudyThe effect of pressure-controlled ventilation on pulmonary mechanics in the prone position during posterior lumbar spine surgery: a comparison with volume-controlled ventilation.
When an anesthetized patient is turned to the prone position using the Wilson frame, dynamic compliance (Cdyn) decreases and peak airway pressure (Ppeak) increases. As pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) decreases the Ppeak, this prospective, randomized study was designed to compare the effect of PCV and volume-controlled ventilation (VCV) on lung mechanics in the prone position using the Wilson frame during posterior lumbar spine surgery. ⋯ PCV provides lower Ppeak compared with VCV when the ventilator is set to deliver the same tidal volume and variable respiratory rate to maintain a constant end-tidal carbon dioxide tension in patients undergoing posterior lumbar spine surgery in the prone position using the Wilson frame.
J Neurosurg Anesthesiol · Jan 2012
Randomized Controlled TrialCerebral effect of acute normovolemic hemodilution during brain tumor resection.
Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) is used in major surgery expected to be accompanied by excessive blood loss. Reducing the hemoglobin content may disturb cerebral oxygen balance. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of ANH on cerebral oxygen balance in patients subjected to brain tumor resection. ⋯ ANH and allogenic blood transfusion used in this study design were accompanied by comparable cerebral oxygenation parameters in patients subjected to brain tumor resection.