Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries
Complications following paediatric burns are well documented and care needs to be taken to ensure the appropriate follow up of these patients. Historically this has meant follow up into adulthood however this is often not necessary. The centralisation of burns services in the UK means that patients and their parents may have to travel significant distances to receive this follow up care. ⋯ There was also a significant financial benefit for the service as the follow up clinics were on average 50% cheaper with burns outreach than burns physician. Burns outreach is a feasible service that not only benefits the patients but also is cheaper for the burns service. The optimum length of follow up for paediatric burns in 18 months, after which if there have not been any complications they can be discharged.
Pain caused by dressing among children with burns is an issue worth discussing. Medical workers' understanding of pain during dressing in children with burns is correlated with the quality of pain management. Effective pain management is significant to improve anxiety and reduce pain and psychological distress during dressing for children with burns. ⋯ In addition, the prescription of analgesics during dressing for children with burns was not favored. (2) Given the fact that 50% nitrous oxide is effective in pain management for adult patients with burns, medical workers tended to apply it to children with burns during dressing after being provided the literature on the use of 50% nitrous oxide in children. (3) Guidelines for the application of 50% nitrous oxide during dressing for children with burns require further modification. Medical workers deemed the pain management for children with burns unsatisfactory, and they supported the application of 50% nitrous oxide during dressing for children with burns. Meanwhile, they hoped that administrators would also support it.
This study sought to establish appropriate timing of burn wound excision and grafting in a resource-poor setting in sub-Saharan Africa. ⋯ Early excision and grafting in a resource-poor area in sub-Saharan Africa is associated with a significant increase in mortality. Delaying the timing of early excision and grafting of burn patients in a resource-poor setting past burn day 5 may confer a survival advantage.
Older adults are more likely to experience problems that contribute to an increase in burn-related morbidity and mortality. The purpose of the current study was to determine if the educational home fire safety (HFS) intervention was an effective method of improving HFS knowledge over time in two groups of urban older adults, home bound and community-based. HFS knowledge of 110 urban older adults was assessed at baseline, immediately after watching a HFS DVD (recall), and at 2-week follow-up (retention). ⋯ In addition, HFS knowledge scores were significantly impacted by the number of chronic illnesses, number of independent activities of daily living, and income. The findings from this study suggest the educational HFS intervention was effective in increasing urban older adults' HFS knowledge over time. Lowering the burns morbidity and mortality in the older adult population is an important public health concern that needs to be addressed through tailored prevention and education strategies.
This study assessed whether photographs of burns on patients with dark-skin types could be used for accurate diagnosing and if the accuracy was affected by physicians' clinical background or case characteristics. ⋯ Size and depth of burns on patients with dark-skin types could be assessed at least as well using photographs as at bedside with 67.5% and 66.0% average accuracy rates. Case characteristics significantly affected the accuracy for burn size, but medical specialty and country of practice seldom did in a statistically significant manner.