Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries
This study developed a predictive model for fires and burns among parents and children in Jefferson County, Kentucky. Eight risk factors for pediatric burns with census tract level data available were identified. Risk factors were synthesized to develop a cartographic model with risk levels low, medium, high, and severe. ⋯ Risk was correlated with fire incidence rate (ρ=0.67, p<0.001). Significant risk factors were race (β=0.54, p<0.001), education (β=0.38, p<0.001), and year home built (β=-0.17, p=0.005). Cartographic modeling is a underutilized tool to identify at-risk areas.
Randomized Controlled Trial
The effect of isolated soy protein adjunctive with flaxseed oil on markers of inflammation, oxidative stress, acute phase proteins, and wound healing of burn patients; a randomized clinical trial.
The objective was to determine the effect of isolated soy protein (ISP) and flaxseed oil (FO) on inflammatory and oxidative stress indices, acute phase proteins, and wound healing of burn patients. ⋯ Nutritional supplements with ISP may attenuate post-burn oxidative stress and inflammation, leading to improved wound healing in burn patients. Flaxseed oil may not exert a beneficial effect over the ISP.
Scar massage is used in burn units globally to improve functional and cosmetic outcomes of hypertrophic scarring following a burn, however, the evidence to support this therapy is unknown. ⋯ It appears that there is preliminary evidence to suggest that scar massage may be effective to decrease scar height, vascularity, pliability, pain, pruritus and depression in hypertrophic burns scaring. This review reflects the poor quality of evidence and lack of consistent and valid scar assessment tools. Controlled, clinical trials are needed to develop evidence-based guidelines for scar massage in hypertrophic burns scarring.
Toxic shock syndrome in paediatric thermal injuries: A case series and systematic literature review.
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a rare, but potentially life-threatening complication of thermal injuries in children. The study objective was to systematically review the literature on paediatric TSS after burns or scalds, and describe our experience with this condition in Switzerland. ⋯ Toxic shock syndrome is an important complication of paediatric burns in Switzerland and several other countries world-wide. Diagnosis and management remain challenging. Awareness among treating clinicians is crucial for a favourable outcome.
Comparative Study
Prospective comparative evaluation study of Laser Doppler Imaging and thermal imaging in the assessment of burn depth.
The accurate assessment of burn depth is challenging but crucial for surgical excision and tissue preservation. Laser Doppler Imaging (LDI) has gained increasing acceptance as a tool to aid depth assessment but its adoption is hampered by high costs, long scan times and limited portability. Thermal imaging is touted as a suitable alternative however few comparison studies have been done. ⋯ LDI outperforms thermal imaging in terms of diagnostic accuracy of burn depth likely due to the susceptibility of thermal imaging to environmental factors.