Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries
Randomized Controlled Trial
Evaluation of the analgesic effects of duloxetine in burn patients: An open-label randomized controlled trial.
To evaluate efficacy of addition of duloxetine to usual analgesic regimens in management of burn pain. ⋯ Addition of duloxetine may increase efficacy of the other analgesics in reduction of the burn pain.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a toxic, color-, taste- and odorless gas with fatal consequences if undetected. Intoxication caused by CO is frequent possibly leading to a high morbidity and mortality. ⋯ Therefore the diagnosis and treatment can be very demanding. This article in detail reviews epidemiology, symptoms, diagnosis and the therapy of this multidisciplinary challenge.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study
Comparative evaluation of three methods of skin graft fixation for split thickness skin graft after release of post burn contracture of the neck.
Split thickness skin graft is an essential component of release of post burn contracture of neck. There are many methods of fixation of skin grafts; however, there is lack of objective comparison between different techniques. This study has been designed to compare three commonly used techniques of split thickness skin graft fixation methods. Surgical time, advantages, cost factor and post-operative outcome have been compared amongst three techniques. ⋯ Skin stapler method for skin graft fixation was least time consuming, affordable and highly reliable when graft take success was considered. Cyanoacrylate glue fixation method was least painful and reliable in terms of graft take success though costlier than other two.
Delivery of safe quality care in health is augmented by better research capacity building. This can include financial investment in research and system development, and, mostly notably, human capacity to undertake research. ⋯ These challenges range from resource restrictions, organisational culture and identification of enablers to assess broader health impact. Strategies to promote capacity building for practice include harmonisation of international standards, financial resourcing to build research capacity in low and middle-income countries, effectively implemented and monitored training, any involvement of multiple perspectives in design and delivery.