The British journal of dermatology
Purified antibodies against type IV collagen and laminin were used ot localize basement membranes by indirect immunofluorescence in various anatomical regions of normal and diseased human skin. The two proteins showed extensive codistribution. A continuous linear staining was found along the epidermal-dermal junction and around hair follicles, sebaceous gland acini and small capillaries. ⋯ Blister formation in bullous pemphigoi left type IV collagen and laminin on the floor of the blister, while the bullous pemphigoid antigen as detected by human autoantibodies was found on both sides of the blister. In solid basal cell carcinoma a strong staining was found around all tumour islands as well as focally within the cell clusters. This suggests that the tumour cells produce these basement membrane proteins but have lost, at least in part, control of polar deposition.
Letter Case Reports
Reticulate urticarial erythema in hereditary angio-oedema.
The successful treatment of patients with pyoderma gangrenosum by means of the local application of sodium cromoglycate solution is reported. One of the patients also had chronic active hepatitis and a background history of ulcerative colitis. Possible mechanisms underlying the apparent success of this form of treatment are discussed.
Clinical details of one surviving and one fatal case of junctional epidermolysis bullosa, previously termed epidermolysis bullosa letalis-Herlitz, are reported and factors affecting prognosis are discussed.