The British journal of dermatology
Case Reports
The successful treatment of tropical fish tank granuloma (Mycobacterium marinum) with co-trimoxazole.
Three cases of tropical fish tank granuloma caused by Mycobacterium marinum (balnei) are described. Abundant acid fact bacilli were demonstrated in homogenates prepared from the fish thus providing early confirmation of the suspected clinical diagnosis: acid fast bacilli could not be demonstrated in biopsy material from the patients' lesions through M. marinum grew on culture. The infection responded to oral co-trimoxazole.
Seven similar cases with deep ulceration probably due to wet cement are presented. Within 12 hours after making a concrete floor in a kneeling position, curved ulcers developed on both sides of both patellae. ⋯ One patient got wet concrete into her boots and, consequently, ulcers developed on her feet. The high alkalinity of calcium hydroxide in wet cement was the only apparent causative agent in every case.
Serum MIF activity was studied in ten patients with sarcoidosis, fourteen with granuloma annulare, four with necrobiosis lipoidica, and nine with various dermatological diseases. Positive MIF activity was found in the sera of nine of the ten patients with sarcoidosis and eleven of the fourteen patients with granuloma annulare. ⋯ One of four patients with necrobiosis lipoidica demonstrated minimal serum MIF activity. Data on serum lymphokine activity in sarcoidosis and granuloma annulare suggest that these two diseases are related to delayed hypersensitivity mechanisms.
Seven distinct glycosidases (EC 3.2) have been characterized in guinea-pig epidermis. Their properties indicate them to be of lysosomal origin. The 'profile' of the epidermal glycosidases is significantly different from that reported for whole skin, the activities of beta-galactosidase and beta-acetylglucosaminidase being very high and those of the remaining enzymes relatively low in epidermis.
Clinical Trial Controlled Clinical Trial
A new formulation of 0.1% hydrocortisone cream with vasoconstrictor activity and clinical effectiveness.
A new formulation of hydrocortisone with vasoconstrictor activity has been shown to be effective clinically and was more effective in a 0.1% concentration than 1.0% Hydrocortisone Cream BPC. Its use should obviate the adverse effects of fluorinated steroids.