The British journal of dermatology
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic dermatitis characterized by intense itching and excessive skin dryness. The factor most commonly blamed for the pathogenesis of skin dryness in the disease is impaired barrier function of the stratum corneum. However, there are findings indicating that the autonomic nervous system, and the sympathetic nervous system in particular, is affected negatively in AD, and thus, autonomic dysfunction can be an important factor leading to skin dryness. ⋯ These findings demonstrate that the sudomotor activity controlled by the sympathetic nervous system, as well as unmyelinated fibres that play a role in this activity are affected in patients with AD. We think that the involvement of sudomotor activity may be one of the causes that leads to dysfunction in sweat glands and skin dryness.
Review Meta Analysis
Safety and efficacy of alefacept, efalizumab, etanercept and infliximab in treating moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
The relatively recent introduction of biological agents to treat psoriasis presents clinicians with the need to objectively compare and contrast these agents to allow more effective treatment of their patients. ⋯ The decreasing rank order for pooled efficacy was infliximab, etanercept, efalizumab and alefacept when compared with placebo. Pooling safety data revealed a previously unreported increased risk of AEs for alefacept, efalizumab and infliximab.
Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory, immune-mediated skin disease associated with substantial comorbidity. Traditional comorbid conditions include psychological/psychiatric disorders, psoriatic arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. ⋯ For effective management of psoriasis and related comorbidities, an integrated approach targeting both cutaneous and systemic inflammation may be beneficial, and strategies to improve overall management of the patient should be encouraged to reduce the disease burden. This paper discusses the emerging role of biological agents in this approach, and offers an appreciation of the role of existing anti-psoriasis and adjunctive therapies.
There is a perceived need for a better method for clinical assessment of the severity of psoriasis vulgaris. The most frequently used system is the Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI), which has significant disadvantages, including the requirement for assessment of the percentage of skin affected, an inability to separate milder cases, and a lack of linearity. The Copenhagen Psoriasis Severity Index (CoPSI) is a novel approach which comprises assessment of three signs: erythema, plaque thickness and scaling, each on a four-point scale (0, none; 1, mild; 2, moderate; 3, severe), at each of 10 sites: face, scalp, upper limbs (excluding hands and wrists), hands and wrists, chest and abdomen, back, buttocks and sacral area, genitalia, lower limbs (excluding feet and ankles), feet and ankles. ⋯ The CoPSI and the PASI both provided reproducible psoriasis severity assessments. In terms of both intrarater and inter-rater reliability values, the CoPSI and the PASI are superior to the PGA. The CoPSI may overcome several of the problems associated with the PASI. In particular, the CoPSI avoids the need to estimate a percentage of skin involved, is able to separate milder cases where the PASI lacks sensitivity, and is also more linear and simpler. The CoPSI also incorporates more meaningful weighting of different anatomical areas.
Letter Case Reports
Acne successfully treated with acitretin in a patient with peanut allergy.