The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners
The value of continuity in primary care has been demonstrated for multiple positive outcomes. However, little is known about how the expansion of remote and digital care models in primary care have impacted continuity. ⋯ While the value of continuity in primary care has previously been well demonstrated, the dearth of evidence around continuity in a remote and digital context is troubling. Further research is, therefore, needed to explore the links between the shift to remote care, continuity and equity, using real-world evaluation frameworks to ascertain when and for whom continuity adds most value, and how this can be enabled or maintained.
Polypharmacy may increase the risk of drug interactions, side effects, and poor adherence; however, the impact of polypharmacy on antidepressant acceptability in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is unknown. ⋯ Early discontinuation of antidepressants is common in adults with T2DM; however, individuals with higher levels of concurrent polypharmacy may be more adherent to treatment. These are likely to represent individuals with worse physical or mental health. Individuals with lower levels of concurrent polypharmacy may benefit from adherence support.