The British journal of general practice : the journal of the Royal College of General Practitioners
Birth cohort screening has been implemented in some countries to identify the potentially 'missed population' of people with undiagnosed chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) who may not be found through targeted approaches. ⋯ Wide-scale screening could be delivered and identify people infected with HCV, however, most of these individuals could have been detected through lower-cost targeted screening. The yield and cost per case found in patients were substantially worse than model estimates and targeted screening studies. Birth cohort screening should not be rolled out in primary care in England.
Shingles (herpes zoster), caused by reactivation of the varicella-zoster virus, is usually diagnosed and managed in primary care. The lifetime risk of shingles in the general population is approximately 30%, and it can have a detrimental effect on quality of life. There has been little qualitative research about patient experience and understanding of shingles. ⋯ Primary care practitioners should be aware of the broad spectrum of patient knowledge, and the potential for better understanding to promote early attendance and treatment to reduce the impact of shingles.
Diagnostic testing is prevalent among children with persistent non-specific symptoms (PNS), and both undertesting and overtesting have negative consequences for child and society. Research in adults with PNS has shown that GPs use diagnostic testing for reasons other than diagnosis, but comparable research has not, to the best of our knowledge, been conducted in children. Understanding GPs' perspectives of testing decisions in children could provide insights into mechanisms of undertesting and overtesting. ⋯ As in adults, GPs' decisions to conduct diagnostic tests in children were motivated by reasons beyond diagnostic uncertainty. Educational programmes, interventions, and guidelines that aim to change the testing behaviours of GPs in children with PNS should target these reasons.
Routine primary care data may be a valuable resource for preconception health research and to inform the provision of preconception care. ⋯ The findings demonstrated that routinely collected UK primary care data could be used to identify patients' preconception care needs. Linking primary care data with health outcomes collected in other datasets is underutilised, but could help to quantify how optimising preconception health and care could reduce adverse outcomes for mothers and children.