Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Sep 2020
Multicenter StudySurvival after primary breast cancer surgery following propofol or sevoflurane general anesthesia - aretrospective, multicenter, database analysis of 6,305 Swedish patients.
Retrospective studies indicate that the choice of anesthetic can affect long-term cancer survival. Propofol seems to have an advantage over sevoflurane. However, this is questioned for breast cancer. We gathered a large cohort of breast cancer surgery patients from seven Swedish hospitals and hypothesized that general anesthesia with propofol would be superior to sevoflurane anesthesia regarding long-term breast cancer survival. ⋯ It seems that propofol may have a survival advantage compared with sevoflurane among breast cancer patients, but the inherent weaknesses of retrospective analyses were made apparent.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Sep 2020
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyEffect of non-sedation on posttraumatic stress and psychological health in survivors of critical illness.
Critical illness can cause post-traumatic stress and impaired mental health. The NONSEDA trial was a Scandinavian multicenter RCT, assessing non-sedation versus sedation with a daily wake-up call during mechanical ventilation in critically ill adults. The aim of this substudy was to assess the effect of non-sedation on post-traumatic stress and mental health. ⋯ Levels of PTSD, anxiety and depression and quality of life regarding mental health were similar between the non-sedated and sedated group.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Sep 2020
Multicenter Study Observational StudyLimiting treatment in prehospital care: A prospective, observational multicentre study.
Data are scarce on the withdrawal of life-sustaining therapies and limitation of care orders (LCOs) during physician-staffed Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) missions. We investigated LCOs and the quality of information available when physicians made treatment decisions in pre-hospital care. ⋯ Making LCOs or treating patients with pre-existing LCOs is an integral part of HEMS physicians' work, with every twentieth mission involving LCO patients. The new LCOs mostly concerned withholding or withdrawal of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and intensive care.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Sep 2020
Multicenter StudyBarriers and aidsto routine neuromuscular monitoring and consistent reversal practice -a qualitative study.
Neuromuscular monitoring is recommended whenever a neuromuscular blocking agent is administered, but surveys have demonstrated inconsistent monitoring practices. Using qualitative methods, we aimed to explore barriers and aids to routine neuromuscular monitoring and consistent reversal practice. ⋯ Using qualitative methods, we found that though Danish anaesthetists generally apply objective neuromuscular monitoring routinely and residents at the US institution often apply subjective neuromuscular monitoring, barriers to consistent and correct use still exist.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Aug 2020
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Observational StudyEffects of simulated sample sizes on the mortality effect estimatesinthreerandomised intensive care unittrials.
Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) are occasionally stopped prematurely before reaching their planned sample sizes. It has been suggested that early stopped RCTs are associated with under- and overestimation of the effect estimates. We simulated the effect of hypothetical premature stopping of three large RCTs done in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. ⋯ In this post hoc study of three international RCTs within intensive care, we found that the simulated interim mortality effect estimates showed considerable fluctuations until at least 20%-30% of the sample size was included, but remained instable until the final sample sizes had been included. Thus, this study illustrates the necessity for cautious interpretations of prematurely stopped trials.