Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Aug 2020
Review Multicenter Study Observational StudyB-Lines for the assessment of extravascular lung water: just focused or semi-quantitative?
B-lines as typical artefacts of lung ultrasound are considered as surrogate measurement for extravascular lung water. However, B-lines develop in the sub-pleural space and do not allow assessment of the whole lung. Here, we present data from the first observational multi-centre study focusing on the correlation between a B-lines score and extravascular lung water in critically ill patients suffering from a variety of diseases. ⋯ Assessment of B-lines does not accurately reflect actual extravascular lung water. In presence of an impaired oxygenation, B-lines may reliably indicate increased extravascular lung water as cause of the oxygenation disorders.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jul 2020
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative StudyProtocol and statistical analysis plan for the REstricted fluid therapy VERsus Standard trEatment in Acute Kidney Injury - REVERSE-AKI randomized controlled pilot trial.
Fluid accumulation frequently coexists with acute kidney injury (AKI) and is associated with increased risk for AKI progression and mortality. Among septic shock patients, restricted use of resuscitation fluid has been reported to reduce the risk of worsening of AKI. Restrictive fluid therapy, however, has not been studied in the setting of established AKI. Here, we present the protocol and statistical analysis plan of the REstricted fluid therapy VERsus Standard trEatment in Acute Kidney Injury-the REVERSE-AKI trial that compares a restrictive fluid therapy regimen to standard therapy in critically ill patients with AKI. ⋯ This is the first multinational trial investigating the feasibility and safety of a restrictive fluid therapy regimen in critically ill patients with AKI.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jul 2020
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyDEX-2-TKA - DEXamethasone twice for pain treatment after Total Knee Arthroplasty. Detailed statistical analysis plan for a randomized, blinded, three-group multicentre clinical trial.
Optimization of post-operative pain treatment is of upmost importance. Multimodal analgesia is the main post-operative pain treatment principle, but the evidence on optimal analgesic combinations is unclear. With the "DEXamethasone twice for pain treatment after TKA" trial, we aim to investigate the role of one or two doses of glucocorticoid for post-operative pain treatment after total knee arthroplasty. To ensure transparency and minimization of bias, we present this article with a detailed statistical analysis plan, to be published before the last participant is enrolled. ⋯ The DEX-2-TKA trial will provide high quality data regarding benefits and harms of adding one or two high-doses of dexamethasone to a multimodal analgesic regimen.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · May 2020
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyEfficacy and safety of iloprost in patients with septic shock-induced endotheliopathy - protocol for the multicenter randomized, placebo-controlled, blinded, investigator-initiated COMBAT-SHINE trial.
In Europe 700.000 new cases of sepsis occur annually and more than 100.000 of these patients die due to multiorgan failure (MOF). We have identified shock-induced endotheliopathy (SHINE) to be associated with development of MOF and mortality. Furthermore, in patients with septic shock those with circulating levels of thrombomodulin (TM) above 10 ng/mL have twice the mortality (56% vs 28%) than those with levels below this level. Pilot studies indicate that infusion of iloprost (1 ng/kg/min) is associated with improved endothelial function in patients with septic shock. ⋯ This trial tests the safety and efficacy of iloprost vs placebo for 72 hours in patients with septic shock and SHINE. The outcome measures focus on the potential effect of the intervention to mitigate organ failure.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Apr 2020
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyHypothermic to ischaemic ratio and mortality in post cardiac arrest patients.
We studied the associations between ischemia and hypothermia duration, that is, the hypothermic to ischemic ratio (H/I ratio), with mortality in patients included in a trial on two durations of targeted temperature management (TTM) at 33°C. ⋯ We did not find any consistent evidence of a modification of the effect of TTM based on ischemia duration.