Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging
We retrospectively reviewed neuroradiology database at our tertiary-care hospital to search for patients with metaphoric or descriptive signs on brain computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging. Only patients who had clinical or pathological definitive diagnosis were included in this review.
Case Reports
Vertebral body infarct and ventral cauda equina enhancement: two confirmatory findings of acute spinal cord infarct.
Two valuable confirmatory MRI findings of acute spinal cord infarct are highlighted and discussed: concomitant vertebral body infarct and ventral cauda equina nerve root enhancement.
Head ultrasonography (HUS) remains an important tool in the initial evaluation of intracranial abnormalities in infants. In experienced hands, HUS is an outstanding tool to detect brain abnormalities in preterm and full-term infants, to follow the progression of these lesions, and to describe the maturation of the infant brain. ⋯ In this article we discuss the HUS techniques that are currently available and are now the standard of care, how to perform them, and what to look for. We describe a variety of findings that may be encountered including hemorrhagic complications of prematurity, hypoxic ischemic brain injury, neonatal stroke, infections, malformations, neoplasms, and a few more rare neonatal pathologies.
Multicenter Study
Usefulness of transcranial Doppler-derived cerebral hemodynamic parameters in the noninvasive assessment of intracranial pressure.
Transcranial Doppler (TCD) ultrasonography is a noninvasive bedside tool that can evaluate cerebral blood flow hemodynamics in major intracranial arteries. TCD-derived pulsatility index (PI) is believed to be influenced by intracranial pressure (ICP). ⋯ TCD-derived PI could be used to identify patients with CSF-P ≥ 20 cm H2 0 and may play an important role as a monitoring tool.
To investigate the impact of regression methods on resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI). During rsfMRI preprocessing, regression analysis is considered effective for reducing the interference of physiological noise on the signal time course. However, it is unclear whether the regression method benefits rsfMRI analysis. ⋯ rsfMRI data processed using regression should be interpreted carefully. The significance of the anticorrelated brain areas produced by global signal removal is unclear.