Journal of neuroimaging : official journal of the American Society of Neuroimaging
Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring is a cornerstone of neurocritical care in managing severe brain injury. However, current invasive ICP monitoring methods carry significant risks, including infection and intracranial hemorrhage, and are contraindicated in certain clinical situations. Additionally, these methods are not universally available. ⋯ Automating both ONSD image acquisition and measurement could enhance accuracy and reliability, thereby improving its utility as a noninvasive ICP estimation tool. A range of image analysis and machine learning (ML) techniques have been applied to address these challenges. In this paper, we provide a narrative review of the current literature on ONSD automation, examining the strengths and limitations of classical image analysis and ML models in improving ONSD-based ICP assessment.
The venous outflow profile (VOP) is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect affecting stroke outcomes. It plays a major role in the physiopathology of acute cerebral ischemia, as it accounts for both the upstream arterial collaterals and cerebral microperfusion. This enables it to circumvent the limitations of various arterial collateral evaluation systems, which often fail to consider impaired autoregulation and its impact on cerebral blood flow at the microcirculatory levels. In this narrative review, we will highlight the different parameters and modalities used to assess the VOP in acute ischemia. ⋯ VOP parameters' significance lies in their potential to predict tissue fate and, subsequently, clinical outcomes. Recent studies indicate that favorable VOP is independently associated with slower rates of infarct edema progression, smaller infarct volumes, and higher rates of functional independence after 90 days. Moreover, it is considered a predictor of recanalization success and the first-pass effect during mechanical thrombectomy. Conversely, an unfavorable VOP predicts futile recanalization and indicates a higher risk of reperfusion hemorrhage. Our aim is to explore these prognostic implications and their relevance in determining the utility of intracranial intervention.
Observational Study
Transcranial Doppler Arterial Pressure Gradient Is Associated With Delayed Infarction After Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
While the pulsatility index (PI) measured by transcranial Doppler (TCD) has broader associations with outcomes in neurocritical care, its use in monitoring delayed cerebral infarction (DCI) in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is not endorsed by current clinical guidelines. Recognizing that arterial pressure gradient (ΔP) can be estimated using PI, we investigated the potential significance of TCD-estimated ΔP. ⋯ Increased ΔP, rather than elevated mCBFV, was associated with DCI. While elevated mCBFV was associated with vasospasm, it was not associated with DCI. Hence, TCD-estimated ΔP may serve as a predictor for the DCI in SAH patients, a condition that impacts long-term outcome.
Anxiety during pregnancy is common, and exposure to heightened anxiety during pregnancy may influence children's brain development and functioning. However, it is unclear if exposure to low levels of anxiety in utero would also impact the developing brain. The current prospective and longitudinal study included 40 healthy pregnant women without pregnancy complications or previous diagnosis of anxiety disorders. ⋯ The findings from this study indicate that exposure to low levels of anxiety in utero may also impact offspring brain development and functioning, particularly brain regions that are important for threat detection.
MRI is crucial for multiple sclerosis (MS), but the relative value of portable ultra-low field MRI (pULF-MRI), a technology that holds promise for extending access to MRI, is unknown. We assessed white matter lesion (WML) detection on pULF-MRI compared to high-field MRI (HF-MRI), focusing on blinded assessments, assessor self-training, and multiplanar acquisitions. ⋯ With adequate training, radiological interpretation of pULF-MRI has high sensitivity and positive predictive value for MS lesions but should be approached conservatively. These results suggest utility for patient triage, potentially reducing diagnostic delay, and screening high-risk individuals.