Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI
J Magn Reson Imaging · Aug 2010
Impact of motion on T1 mapping acquired with inversion recovery fast spin echo and rapid spoiled gradient recalled-echo pulse sequences for delayed gadolinium-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) in volunteers.
To evaluate the impact of motion on T1 values acquired by using either inversion-recovery fast spin echo (IR-FSE) or three-dimensional (3D) spoiled gradient recalled-echo (SPGR) sequences for delayed gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of cartilage (dGEMRIC) in volunteers. ⋯ Involuntary motion has a significant influence on T1 values acquired with IR-FSE, but not with 3D-SPGR in healthy volunteers.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Aug 2010
3D flow-independent peripheral vessel wall imaging using T(2)-prepared phase-sensitive inversion-recovery steady-state free precession.
To develop a 3D flow-independent peripheral vessel wall imaging method using T(2)-prepared phase-sensitive inversion-recovery (T(2)PSIR) steady-state free precession (SSFP). ⋯ T(2)PSIR SSFP is a promising technique for peripheral vessel wall imaging. It provides excellent blood signal suppression and vessel wall/lumen contrast. It can cover a 3D volume efficiently and is flow- and TI-independent.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Jul 2010
Visualization of cerebral microbleeds with dual-echo T2*-weighted magnetic resonance imaging at 7.0 T.
To assess the visualization of cerebral microbleeds with dual echo T2*-weighted imaging at 7.0 T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). ⋯ T2*-weighted imaging at two echo times at 7.0 T combines the advantages of the first and second echo. Microbleeds visible on the first echo show large contrast with the surrounding tissue, even in the presence of paramagnetic ferritin. The second echo enables visualization of smaller microbleeds than the first echo.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Jul 2010
Adipose tissue distribution in children: automated quantification using water and fat MRI.
To develop and validate a method for rapid acquisition and automated processing of magnetic resonance (MR) images for analysis of abdominal adipose tissue distribution in children. ⋯ A method for rapid imaging and fully automated postprocessing of abdominal adipose tissue distribution is presented. The method allows robust and time-efficient measurement of adipose tissue distribution in young children.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Jul 2010
Cartilage morphology at 3.0T: assessment of three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging techniques.
To compare six new three-dimensional (3D) magnetic resonance (MR) methods for evaluating knee cartilage at 3.0T. ⋯ FSE-Cube and VIPR-bSSFP produce high image quality with accurate volume measurement of knee cartilage.