Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI
J Magn Reson Imaging · Jan 2009
Increased SNR and reduced distortions by averaging multiple gradient echo signals in 3D FLASH imaging of the human brain at 3T.
To demonstrate how averaging of multiple gradient echoes can improve high-resolution FLASH (fast low angle shot) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the human brain. ⋯ SNR is gained efficiently by acquiring additional echoes and increasing TR (and flip angle accordingly to maintain contrast) until the associated T(2) (*) loss in the averaged signal consumes the sqrt(TR) increase in the steady state. A bandwidth of 350 Hz/pixel or higher and echo trains shorter than T(2) (*) are recommended.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Jan 2009
Novel technique used to detect swallowing in volume-selective turbo spin-echo (TSE) for carotid artery wall imaging.
To improve three-dimensional (3D) volume-selective turbo spin-echo (TSE) carotid wall imaging by the addition of a novel body surface swallowing detection device. ⋯ Image quality can be improved by the algorithm during acquisition. This can be achieved by a novel, anatomically positioned superficial device. This may help in prolonged 3D scans where a single movement can corrupt the entire acquisition.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Jan 2009
Susceptibility compensated fMRI study using a tailored RF echo planar imaging sequence.
To implement a method using a tailored radiofrequency (TRF) pulse with a quadratic phase profile to recover susceptibility-induced signal losses in gradient-recalled echo-planar images (EPI). ⋯ With reduced maximum phase distribution in the TRF pulse, signals in the susceptibility-affected areas, such as the orbitofrontal and inferior temporal cortex, were increased, suggesting that the technique could be a useful adjunct to fMRI.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Jan 2009
Diffusion measurements and diffusion tensor imaging with noisy magnitude data.
To compare an unbiased method for estimation of the diffusion coefficient to the quick, but biased, log-linear (LL) method in the presence of noisy magnitude data. ⋯ In the presence of noisy magnitude data, unbiased estimation is essential in diffusion measurements and diffusion tensor imaging.
J Magn Reson Imaging · Jan 2009
Three-dimensional dynamic time-resolved contrast-enhanced MRA using parallel imaging and a variable rate k-space sampling strategy in intracranial arteriovenous malformations.
To evaluate the effectiveness of three-dimensional (3D) dynamic time-resolved contrast-enhanced MRA (TR-CE-MRA) using a combination of a parallel imaging technique (ASSET: array spatial sensitivity encoding technique) and a time-resolved method (TRICKS: time-resolved imaging of contrast kinetics) and to compare it with 3D dynamic TR-CE-MRA using ASSET alone in the assessment of intracranial arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). ⋯ 3D dynamic TR-CE-MRA combining parallel imaging and a time-resolved method with subsecond and submillimeter resolution could become the first-line investigation technique in both diagnosis and follow-up of intracranial AVMs.