Journal of addictive diseases
Of 1320 patients who were hospitalized for injuries, a total of 315 were known to be intoxicated with alcohol at the time of trauma. A retrospective chart review was performed to determine which biopsychosocial markers correlated with increasing severity of alcohol use disorders in a sample of 184 (58.4%) of these 315 patients. Markers associated with increased severity were: an increased mean corpuscular volume (MCV; p = 0.007), previous legal problems (p = 0.023), previous alcohol rehabilitation (p < 0.001), previous attendance at self-help meetings (p < 0.001), admitting to having an alcohol problem (p < 0.001), and a willingness to change drinking behavior (p < 0.001). Routine toxicology screening tests, simple questions about previous alcohol or drug abuse treatment, and direct questions about the patient's own perception of the severity of disease and readiness to change drinking behavior can identify many victims of major trauma who could potentially benefit from a referral for alcohol rehabilitation.
Methadone maintenance is the premier pharmacological treatment for opioid addiction, but it is rarely informed by evidence-based practice guidelines for dosage monitoring and adjustment. Such guidelines are crucial because the pharmacokinetics of methadone vary greatly among patients, and this variation may account for differences in treatment outcome. We review the pharmacokinetics of methadone and factors that may alter it (including drug interactions, disease states, and idiosyncratic differences among patients). ⋯ Due to its ease of collection and its presumed representation of the bioavailable free-fraction of methadone, saliva may be a promising matrix. However, saliva methadone concentrations are influenced by salivary pH, and future studies are needed to determine how to control for that. Administrative, medical, and social implications of methadone TDM are briefly discussed.
Comparative Study
Female smokers have increased postoperative narcotic requirements.
This study investigated the influence of tobacco use on postoperative narcotic requirements of female patients following pelvic surgery. The history of tobacco use was taken by telephone survey, and the amount of postoperative narcotic used was obtained from a retrospective review of the patients' hospital charts. Postoperative narcotic use for patients who never smoked was 10.9 mg/12 hr (n = 83, S. ⋯ There was no difference between current and former smokers. Patients who have smoked required more narcotic for postoperative pain control. This effect was equally strong for former as for current smokers.
Emergency Medicine (EM) physicians frequently see patients with alcohol abuse or dependence (AA/AD). Brief interventions delivered in the Emergency Department (ED) have been advocated for these patients, however, little is known regarding EM physician willingness to support such interventions. We conducted a study to determine EM physicians' attitudes toward the use of interventions for AA/AD in the ED. ⋯ Of the 257 respondents (45.9%), a total of 76% agreed that AA/AD is a treatable illness and only 15% would not agree to support of ED interventions. Both supporters and non-supporters thought that the lack of sufficient time was an impediment to treating AA/AD in the ED. Our study suggests that the majority of ED physicians would support the implementation of brief intervention for AA/AD in the ED.
The cases of two children with congenital heart disease and severe opioid dependency who underwent ultrarapid opioid detoxification are presented. This technique entails rapid opioid reversal with the opioid antagonist naloxone while under general anesthesia. ⋯ In the weeks following the procedure, the first child exhibited accelerated neurodevelopment. Ultrarapid opioid detoxification is possible in children and may have a neurodevelopmental advantage over a prolonged wean.