Anästhesiologie, Intensivmedizin, Notfallmedizin, Schmerztherapie : AINS
Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther · Aug 1995
Comparative Study[Behavior of cerebral blood flow velocity in conventional ventilation and superimposed high frequency jet ventilation].
Patients with increased intracranial pressure or vasospasm after subarachnoidal haemorrhage with decreased cerebral perfusion present a special problem on developing respiratory insufficiency, since kinetic therapy or extracorporal life support are contraindicated. Superimposed High Frequency Jet Ventilation (SHFJV) has been shown to be of benefit in ventilating patients with pulmonary insufficiency. The aim of this study was to evaluate if SHFJV could be safely applied in patients with critical cerebral blood flow; if so, SHFJV might be beneficial when pulmonary insufficiency occurs concomitantly. ⋯ In patients with increased ICP, pulmonary complications such as pneumonia or ARDS are frequently observed. Since there are indications that SHFJV is of benefit in pulmonary insufficiency, the study was conducted to demonstrate that SHFJV can be safely applied in patients with increased ICP.
Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther · Aug 1995
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial[Rates of awakening, circulatory parameters and side-effects with sevoflurane and enflurane. An open, randomized, comparative phase III study].
Sevoflurane is a "new" volatile inhaled anaesthetic currently undergoing phase III clinical trials in Europe and USA. Owing to the low blood solubility, rapid induction of anaesthesia and emergence from anaesthesia would be expected. In this study, we compared emergence times and haemodynamics in patients receiving either sevoflurane or enflurane. Furthermore, all adverse experiences were recorded, and the relationship to the drug administered was rated. ⋯ Emergence time after inhalation anaesthesia depends on (alveolar) ventilation, blood-gas solubility coefficient and, at least for enflurane and isoflurane, on the dose applied (MAC hours). There is no positive correlation between emergence time and dose applied for sevoflurane. Due to the lower blood-gas solubility coefficient (0.6-0.7 for sevoflurane vs. 1.8 for enflurane) pulmonary elimination is faster and emergence time is shorter with sevoflurane. Supplementing inhalation anaesthesia with fentanyl, there is no difference in the time courses of heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure between sevoflurane and enflurane.
Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther · Aug 1995
Review[Anesthesia with low fresh gas flow in clinical routine use].
Anaesthesia in low-flow techniques gains increasing interest. The possibility of cost reduction, widespread use of highly developed anaesthesia machines and monitors, and introduction of two new fluorinated inhalational anaesthetics with low solubility in human tissues encourage the use of low-flow anaesthesia techniques. Further advantages are improved climatisation of breathing gas and estimation or even measurement of the important parameter "oxygen consumption". ⋯ However, the use of multigas monitors, analyzing most parts of the breathing gas, facilitates the use of low-flow techniques. Multigas monitors and anaesthesia machines equipped with intermittent fresh gas delivery are recommended for the use of fresh gas flow rates close to the metabolic rate. Because of its physicochemical properties the new inhalational anaesthetic desflurane offers advantages for the use in low-flow anaesthesia techniques.
Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther · Aug 1995
[Capnography for bronchoscopy with rigid technique using high frequency jet ventilation (HFJV)].
Rapid bronchoscopy in general anaesthesia still has its precise indications, where the high frequency jet ventilation technique offers several advantages. The monitoring of ventilation, however, has been rather unsatisfactory up to date. We therefore studied capnography in 60 bronchoscopies during HFJV (rate: 100/min; I:E = 0.33; driving pressure: 0.08-0.14 MPa) using a rigid bronchoscope with a distally located sampling port. Continuous capnograms were recorded. End-tidal partial pressures of carbon dioxide (petCO2), however, were obtained from 2-3 single breaths by intermittently reducing the jet-frequency to 10-12/min. After 6 min (MP1: whole group; n = 60) and 18 min of HFJV (MP2: n = 34 of this group) petCO2 values were regularly obtained and compared to pCO2 in synchronously drawn capillary blood samples (pcCO2). The jet driving pressure initially adjusted to body weight, however, was only corrected according to petCO2, aiming at 34 mmHg. ⋯ Capnography in rigid bronchoscopy during HFJV proved a clinically applicable addition to monitoring. Its routine use is strongly recommended in interventional bronchoscopy. The true petCO2 values obtained by intermittent single low frequency jet breathing permit estimates of gas exchange sufficiently exact for clinical purposes and for adjustment of the ventilator setting. Wave forms of the continuously recorded capnogram during HFJV are a warning of impeded ventilation or airway obstruction and, thus, of the danger of barotrauma or hypoventilation. Besides contributing to patient safety, this monitoring method might improve the acceptance of HFJV for bronchoscopy. Furthermore, it can also be applied to rigid bronchoscopy with common ventilation.