ASAIO journal : a peer-reviewed journal of the American Society for Artificial Internal Organs
Advances in medical science and, in particular, minimally invasive surgical and diagnostic procedures have stimulated the development of new and improved medical devices. This has been made possible because of developments in engineering and material sciences. The design of devices for reusability is particularly important in an effort to provide cost effective healthcare. ⋯ The user needs to balance cost versus convenience and reprocessing requirements for reusables. Current trends are to reuse more devices, including many of which were meant to be disposable. Cost effective designs can best be achieved when the user and manufacturer work together on the design.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
To analyze the hemodynamic parameters during prosthetic circulation as an entity, non linear mathematical techniques were used. To compare natural and prosthetic circulation, two pneumatically actuated ventricular assist devices were implanted as biventricular bypasses in chronic animal experiments using adult goats to consitute the biventricular bypass complete prosthetic circulation model with ventricular fibrillation. After implantation, these goats were placed in a cage and extubated after waking. ⋯ However, a simple attractor, such as a limit cycle attractor, was observed during artificial circulation. Positive Lyapunov exponents during artificial circulation suggest the lower dimensional chaotic system. Thus, hemodynamic parameters during prosthetic circulation must be carefully controlled when unexpected stimuli are fed from outside.
The anaerobic threshold represents an objective measure of functional capacity and is useful in assessment of pulmonary and cardiovascular dysfunction. This study determined the anaerobic threshold in total artificial heart animals and evaluated the performance of the total artificial heart system. Five animals with total artificial hearts were put under incremental exercise testing after exercise training. ⋯ The value of the anaerobic threshold in total artificial heart animals implies that the performance capacity of a total artificial heart is not sufficient to meet the oxygen requirements of vigorously exercising skeletal muscle. The protocol does not allow for driving parameter changes during exercise, and this situation, combined with the manual mode of the control system used, was inadequate to allow the total artificial heart animals to exercise more vigorously. Using an automatic control mode might be helpful, as well as considering the relationship between indices of oxygen metabolism, such as oxygen delivery, oxygen consumption, and oxygen extraction rate, in the control algorithms in total artificial heart control systems.
Comparative Study
Monitoring of blood gases during prolonged experimental cardiopulmonary bypass and their relationship to brain pH, PO2, and PCO2.
Eight adult goats under went 5 hr of normothermic cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) with pulsatile (n = 3) and nonpulsatile flow (n = 5). PaCO2 was maintained at 30-40 mmHg and blood flow rate at 50 ml/min/kg. Brain tissue pH, PO2, and PCO2, arterial and venous blood gases, and other systemic variables were monitored. ⋯ Brain tissue PO2 closely followed the values of PvO2, suggesting that PvO2 can be an indicator of brain tissue PO2 during normothermic CPB and must be monitored during the procedure. Brain tissue acidosis is evidently related to neurologic dysfunction after CPB, and must be addressed. Replacement of the priming solution with whole blood or artificial blood, reduction of the priming volume, and application of vigorous pulsatile flow appear feasible interventions to mitigate brain tissue acidosis during CPB.