Internal medicine
A 74-year-old woman developed acute severe colitis after receiving her sixth mRNA vaccine against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). On the day after vaccination, she experienced bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, and high-grade fever. Laboratory tests revealed leukocytosis and increased C-reactive protein. ⋯ Her symptoms and laboratory findings improved immediately after the initiation of prednisolone therapy. Pre-discharge total colonoscopy revealed mucosal repair in most of the colon. Clinicians should acknowledge that severe acute colitis can occur after COVID-19 vaccination.
We herein report the first case of dyspnea with hemidiaphragm elevation in a 68-year-old woman with active giant cell arteritis (GCA), including successful treatment. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography showed a reduced density of the left ophthalmic artery and the left superficial temporal artery with increased soft tissue compared to the other side, indicating that the GCA had flared up and suggesting that the hemidiaphragm elevation might be caused by vasculitis-associated ischemia of the right phrenic nerve. Hemidiaphragm paralysis due to vasculitis-associated ischemia in patients with GCA needs to be distinguished from local infection, tumors, and hepatomegaly, which are the major causes of hemidiaphragm elevation.
We encountered a family with hereditary renal failure, renal medullary cysts, pancreatic hypoplasia, hypomagnesemia, liver enzyme abnormalities, and diabetes mellitus (DM). We identified a novel heterozygous variant of HNF1B (NM_000458.4:c.791dup, p. ⋯ This variant is located in the DNA-binding domain of the HNF1B protein and produces a truncated protein with a de novo sequence, suggesting that this variant changes HNF1B binding to genomic DNA or causes nonsense-mediated mRNA decay. Based on the phenotypes and identified gene variants, this family suffers from autosomal dominant tubulointerstitial kidney disease caused by this HNF1B variant.