Journal of shoulder and elbow surgery
J Shoulder Elbow Surg · Jan 2015
National utilization of reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in the United States.
The substantial increase in the utilization of shoulder arthroplasty in the United States during the past decade is partly attributable to the growing acceptance of reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA). This study compared the national utilization of and indications for shoulder hemiarthroplasty, total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA), and RSA. ⋯ RSAs accounted for one third of all shoulder arthroplasty procedures in the United States in 2011. Whereas the majority of RSAs are performed for rotator cuff tear arthropathy, one quarter of proximal humerus fractures are treated with RSA, suggesting the strong uptake of this relatively new procedure in the United States.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg · Dec 2014
Analysis of perioperative complications in patients after total shoulder arthroplasty and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty.
Data directly comparing the perioperative complication rates between total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty (RTSA) are limited. ⋯ We found that RTSA patients, compared with TSA patients, had significantly longer length of stay, higher hospital charges that are not completely attributable to increased implant costs alone, and increased rates of perioperative complications.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg · Dec 2014
Patient age is a factor in early outcomes after shoulder arthroplasty.
Elderly and young patients alike are undergoing shoulder replacement at increased rates. In an era of outcomes reporting, risk adjustment, and cost containment, identifying patients likely to have adverse events is increasingly important. Our objective was to determine whether patient age is independently associated with postoperative in-hospital complications or increased hospital charges after shoulder arthroplasty. ⋯ Older patients tend to have longer hospital stays, an increased incidence of postoperative anemia, and slightly higher charges after shoulder arthroplasty. Advanced age is not associated with an increased incidence of pulmonary embolism, infection, and cardiac complications. Further research is warranted to explain the relationship between age and early postoperative outcomes.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg · Nov 2014
Nationwide shoulder arthroplasty rates and revision burden in Germany: analysis of the national hospitalization data 2005 to 2006.
The aim of this study was to provide nationwide shoulder arthroplasty rates in Germany based on the national hospitalization file and to estimate the revision burden for shoulder arthroplasty and its determinants. ⋯ We found more than 2-fold higher primary rates for HA than for TSA and up to 3-fold higher shoulder arthroplasty rates for women than for men. TSA had a 3-fold higher relative burden of revision than HA.
J Shoulder Elbow Surg · Nov 2014
The effects of medial ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction on Major League pitching performance.
Medial ulnar collateral ligament (MUCL) reconstruction is commonly performed on Major League Baseball (MLB) pitchers. Previous studies have reported that most pitchers return to presurgical statistical performance levels after MUCL reconstruction. ⋯ MUCL reconstruction allows most players to return to pitching at the major league level. However, after MUCL reconstruction, there is a statistically significant decline in pitching performance. There appears to be a statistically significant decline in pitching performance the year before reconstructive surgery, and this decline is also a risk factor for requiring surgery. In addition, there is an increased risk of MUCL reconstruction for pitchers who enter the major leagues at a younger age.