Paediatric anaesthesia
Paediatric anaesthesia · May 2023
Children's perioperative multidimensional anxiety scale: Turkish cross-cultural adaptation.
The number of pediatric surgeries is constantly increasing. Evaluating anxiety levels in pediatric surgical patients is highly important in terms of preventing complications. ⋯ The CPMAS, which was developed by Chow et al. in English, had high validity and reliability levels for Turkey. It is recommended that the scale be used by healthcare professionals in Turkey in the assessment of surgery-related anxiety in children.
Paediatric anaesthesia · May 2023
Postoperative Recovery in Children: Turkish Cross-Cultural Adaptation.
Postoperative recovery is an individual process involving subjective experiences. The fact that children still experience high rates of complications associated with surgery requires the discovery of new evaluation methods. No studies in Turkey have reported a measurement instrument evaluating postoperative recovery in children. The purpose of this methodological study is to cross-culturally adapt the Postoperative Recovery in Children (PRiC) instrument into the Turkish language and test the validity and reliability of its Turkish version. ⋯ The Turkish version of PRiC has good reliability and validity. A validity and reliability study of PRiC to assess children's postoperative recovery in the context of different surgical operations should be conducted.