Paediatric anaesthesia
Paediatric anaesthesia · Jan 1999
Postal survey of the anaesthetic techniques used for paediatric tonsillectomy surgery.
A postal survey of anaesthetic techniques used for tonsillectomy surgery in children (age 3-16 years) was performed with particular reference to the use of the reinforced laryngeal mask airway and the use of suxamethonium. From 110 questionnaires despatched, replies were obtained from 88 consultant anaesthetists with commitments to otolaryngologic (ENT) anaesthesia (response rate 80%). ⋯ Suxamethonium was used routinely by 40 consultants (45%) for tonsillectomy surgery. Severe problems with its use had been encountered by 26 (30%) respondents
Paediatric anaesthesia · Jan 1999
Letter Case ReportsMasked bleeding posttonsillectomy with ondansetron.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Jan 1999
Biography Historical ArticleHistorical abstract. The Hyderabad Chloroform Commission.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Jan 1999
Clinical TrialBrachial plexus birth injuries: anaesthesia for surgical nerve reconstruction and preoperative myelography and computed tomographic myelography.
Surgical nerve reconstruction for brachial plexus birth injuries and preoperative myelography and computed tomographic (CT) myelography require special anaesthetic considerations. Anaesthesia and medical records were retrospectively reviewed for the infants who underwent myelography, CT myelography (n=37) and microsurgical nerve reconstruction (n=34) at our institution from January 1993 to August 1996. Anaesthetic considerations include long duration of operation, perioperative respiratory complications and plaster application which makes reintubation difficult. Myelography for diagnosis requires a specific positioning of the patient with the head fixed in a midline and prone position.
Paediatric anaesthesia · Jan 1999
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialAlfentanil for intubation under halothane anaesthesia in children.
Intubating conditions under halothane anaesthesia aided with alfentanil 20 were compared with suxamethonium 2 in 40 children presenting for day dental procedures. The condition of vocal cords, jaw relaxation and presence of movement and coughing were scored to give the overall intubating conditions. ⋯ The cardiovascular response to intubation was attenuated in the alfentanil group. Some 43.7% of those receiving suxamethonium developed myalgia the day after surgery compared with 0% in the alfentanil group (P < 0.01).