Disability and rehabilitation
To examine the relationship between depression and pain severity during inpatient rehabilitation for those with new onset of spinal cord injury or spinal cord disease (SCI/D), along with patient characteristics, neurological function and etiology. ⋯ In general, depressive symptoms were not associated with pain severity in this sample. Etiology was associated with pain, those with traumatic SCI reporting more pain at admission. Among demographic characteristics, age was related to pain, with younger subjects reporting higher levels. These findings suggest that certain characteristics may predispose patients to pain and depression upon admission to rehabilitation. By determining who is at risk for these symptoms, clinicians can adopt treatments that prevent these from becoming chronic conditions.
To understand the journey of care in the prevention and management of secondary health conditions (SHCs) following spinal cord injury (SCI). ⋯ • Secondary health conditions are problematic for individuals with a spinal cord injury (SCI). • This study aimed to understand the journey of care in the prevention and management of secondary health conditions (SHCs) following SCI. • Findings suggest that the journey is challenging and a persistent uphill struggle for persons with SCI, care providers, and community-based advocates. • All stakeholders involved recognized the disparities in access to care and resources that exist within the system. We recommend that if we are to make significant gains in minimizing the incidence and severity of SHCs, we need to tailor efforts at the health system level.
How many people with disabilities are in the world? How is disability defined? How can we measure disability in an accurate and comparable way? These are some of the key questions which the recently published World Bank/WHO World Report on Disability (WRD) addresses. ⋯ To improve the quality of disability information, the World Report recommends the use of a common definition and concepts of disability based on WHO's International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF). Furthermore, disability measurement needs to apply a multidimensional approach, in particular, measuring disability in terms of the level of difficulty a person is experiencing in multiple areas of life, rather than head counting severe impairment types in a dichotomous way. Environmental factors have significant effects on individual functioning and should be considered as an integral part in disability measurement.
To compare long-term cognitive outcomes of patients treated with surgical clipping or endovascular coiling after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). ⋯ Study findings indicate fewer cognitive deficits following endovascular coiling. Cognitive deficits in the clipped group may be due in part to the invasive nature of neurosurgical clipping. Further prospective research with regard to long-term cognitive and emotional outcomes is warranted. IMPLICATIONS OF REHABILITATION: • Treatment of ruptured intracranial aneurysms by either endovascualar coiling or neurosurgical clipping can result in significant long-term physical disability as well as cognitive impairment. • Observed cognitive impairment(s) tend to be less in patients following endovascular coiling. • Following ruptured aneurysm, patients with cognitive impairment report reduced health related quality of life and increased anxiety. • Those with identified cognitive impairment(s) may benefit from cognitive remediation.
To highlight the advantages of comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) over usual care in the management of elderly patients with fragility hip fractures in terms of reducing the related mortality and disability. ⋯ Fragility hip fractures in the elderly people need to be managed by different professionals working in close cooperation and adopting a CGA.