Surgical oncology
We would like to assess the safety and effectiveness of prophylactic percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube feedings during concurrent chemoradiation for head and neck cancer. ⋯ Dysphagia resulting from the severe mucositis produced severe weight loss, despite tube feedings. Gastrostomy tube feedings are safe. Gastrostomy tubes should be placed prophylactically for patients undergoing chemoradiation for head and neck cancer.
Cancer is a disease that particularly affects the elderly and, although surgery is the first treatment choice, many elderly cancer patients do not receive standard surgery because they are considered unfit for treatment due to an inaccurate estimation of operative risk. Pre-operative Assessment of Cancer in the Elderly (PACE) was developed in order to address the need to provide detailed information about the functional reserve of the elderly cancer patient to aid individualised management. ⋯ PACE has been effectively used to describe the functional capacity and health status in an international cohort of elderly cancer patients. The majority of PACE instruments have been found to be significantly associated with co-morbidities (SIC) and can distinguish between type and severity of cancer. PACE represents a useful tool in evaluating onco-geriatric fitness for surgery.
Lymphedema is a relatively common, potentially serious and unpleased complication after axillary lymph node dissection (ALND) for breast cancer. It may be associated with functional, esthetic, and psychological problems, thereby affecting the quality-of-life (QOL) of breast cancer survivors. Objective measurements (preferentially by measuring arm volumes or arm circumferences at predetermined sites) are required to identify lymphedema, but also subjective assessment can help to determine the clinical significance of any volume/circumference differences. ⋯ Treatment involves the application of therapeutic measures of the so-called decongestive lymphatic therapy. Prevention is of key importance to avoid lymphedema formation. The application of the sentinel lymph node biopsy in the management of breast cancer has been associated with a reduced incidence of lymphedema formation.
Melanoma continues to be one of the most difficult to treat of all solid tumors. Many new advances have been made in the surgical management of melanoma, including new guidelines for margins of excision, as well as sentinel node biopsy for the diagnosis of lymph node micrometastases. ⋯ Here we discuss many of the recent clinical trials in the surgical management of melanoma, in addition to the advances that have been made in the field of immunotherapy. A new second-generation melanoma vaccine, DC-MelVac (patent # 11221/5), has recently been granted FDA approval for Phase I clinical trials and will be introduced in this review.