American journal of obstetrics and gynecology
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Feb 2016
Randomized Controlled TrialEfficacy of midtrimester short cervix interventions is conditional on intraamniotic inflammation.
Midtrimester ultrasound is a valuable method for identifying asymptomatic women at risk for spontaneous preterm delivery (PTD). However, response to various treatments (cerclage, progestogen) has been variable in the clinical setting. It remains unclear how other biomarkers may be used to guide intervention strategies. ⋯ Cerclage placement or administration of 17OHP-C therapy for midtrimester short cervix for PTD prevention appears beneficial only in the subset of patients with high inflammation. Knowledge of the amniotic fluid inflammatory status may aid in guiding the appropriate therapy for women presenting with midtrimester short cervix who are at increased risk of PTD.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Feb 2016
Changes in pelvic organ prolapse mesh mechanical properties following implantation in rats.
Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a multifactorial disease that manifests as the herniation of the pelvic organs into the vagina. Surgical methods for prolapse repair involve the use of a synthetic polypropylene mesh. The use of this mesh has led to significantly higher anatomical success rates compared with native tissue repairs, and therefore, despite recent warnings by the Food and Drug Administration regarding the use of vaginal mesh, the number of POP mesh surgeries has increased over the last few years. However, mesh implantation is associated with higher postsurgery complications, including pain and erosion, with higher consecutive rates of reoperation when placed vaginally. Little is known on how the mechanical properties of the implanted mesh itself change in vivo. It is assumed that the mechanical properties of these meshes remain unchanged, with any differences in mechanical properties of the formed mesh-tissue complex attributed to the attached tissue alone. It is likely that any changes in mesh mechanical properties that do occur in vivo will have an impact on the biomechanical properties of the formed mesh-tissue complex. ⋯ This is the first study to report on intrinsic changes in the mechanical properties of implanted meshes and how these changes have an impact on the estimated tissue contribution of the formed mesh-tissue complex. Decreased mesh stiffness, strength, and increased permanent extension following 90 days of implantation increase the biomechanical contribution of the attached tissue of the formed mesh-tissue complex more than previously thought. This needs to be considered when using meshes for prolapse repair.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Feb 2016
Vaginal progesterone to prevent preterm birth in pregnant women with a sonographic short cervix: clinical and public health implications.
Vaginal progesterone administration to women with a sonographic short cervix is an efficacious and safe intervention used to prevent preterm birth and neonatal morbidity and mortality. The clinical and public health implications of this approach in the United States have been critically appraised and compared to other therapeutic interventions in obstetrics. Vaginal progesterone administration to women with a transvaginal sonographic cervical length (CL) ≤25 mm before 25 weeks of gestation is associated with a significant and substantial reduction of the risk for preterm birth from <28 to <35 weeks of gestation, respiratory distress syndrome, composite neonatal morbidity and mortality, admission to the neonatal intensive care unit, and mechanical ventilation. ⋯ Several cost-effectiveness and decision analyses have shown that the combination of universal transvaginal CL screening and vaginal progesterone administration to women with a short cervix is a cost-effective intervention that prevents preterm birth and associated perinatal morbidity and mortality. Universal assessment of CL and treatment with vaginal progesterone for singleton gestations in the United States would result in an annual reduction of approximately 30,000 preterm births before 34 weeks of gestation and of 17,500 cases of major neonatal morbidity or neonatal mortality. In summary, there is compelling evidence to recommend universal transvaginal CL screening at 18-24 weeks of gestation in women with a singleton gestation and to offer vaginal progesterone to those with a CL ≤25 mm, regardless of the history of spontaneous preterm birth, with the goal of preventing preterm birth and neonatal morbidity and mortality.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Feb 2016
Effect of obesity on neonatal outcomes in pregnancies with preterm premature rupture of membranes.
Maternal obesity is associated with increased systemic inflammation and an increased risk of preterm premature rupture of membranes. There is an established association between an inflammatory intrauterine environment and adverse neonatal outcomes that is independent of gestational age and mediated by the fetal inflammatory response. It is unknown whether the maternal systemic inflammation that is present in obese women influences the intrauterine environment and predisposes the fetus to adverse neonatal outcomes after preterm premature rupture of membranes. ⋯ Maternal obesity was not associated independently with adverse neonatal outcomes in pregnancies that were affected by preterm premature rupture of membranes after adjustment for gestational age at birth. However, obese African American women rupture and deliver earlier than other women, which causes increased neonatal morbidity.
Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. · Feb 2016
Reoperation for urinary incontinence: a nationwide cohort study, 1998-2007.
The synthetic midurethral slings were introduced in the 1990s and were rapidly replaced the Burch colposuspension as the gold standard treatment for urinary incontinence. It has been reported that the retropubic midurethral tape has an objective and subjective cure rate of 85% at 5 years of follow-up, but the rate of reoperation after retropubic midurethral tape at the long-term follow-up is less well described. The existing literature specifies an overall lifetime rate of reoperation of about 8-9% after an initial operation for urinary incontinence. There are, however, conflicting statements about the risk of reoperation after specific surgical procedures for urinary incontinence. ⋯ This nationwide cohort study provides physicians with a representative evaluation of the rate of reoperations after surgical procedures for urinary incontinence. Pubovaginal slings, Burch colposuspension, and retropubic midurethral tape had a similar risk of reoperation (6%). Women who were operated with transobturator tape had a significantly higher risk of reoperation compared with retropubic midurethral tape.