Neuroimaging clinics of North America
Odontogenic and sinogenic infections are frequently encountered in the pediatric population. Although the diagnosis is often suspected clinically, imaging can play a significant role in localizing the site of infection, assessing for involvement of deep neck spaces, detection of abscess and other potentially life-threatening complications, and providing valuable information to help with treatment planning. This article reviews the general imaging considerations and anatomy relevant to odontogenic and paranasal sinus infections and describes the salient clinical and imaging features of infectious diseases of the dentition and sinuss.
A variety of congenital and acquired disorders result in pediatric conductive hearing loss. Malformations of the external auditory canal are invariably associated with malformations of the middle ear space and ossicles. ⋯ Syndromes associated with external and middle ear malformations are frequently associated with abnormal development of first and second pharyngeal arch derivatives. Chronic inflammatory disorders include cholesteatoma, cholesterol granuloma, and tympanosclerosis.
There is a wide variety of disease entities in children, which can present with cervical adenopathy. The spectrum of pathology and imaging appearance differs in many cases from that seen in adults. This review aims to compare the strengths and limitations of the various imaging modalities available to image pediatric patients presenting with cervical adenopathy, provide guidance on when to image, and highlight the imaging appearance of both common and uncommon disorders affecting the cervical nodes in children to aid the radiologist in their clinical practice.
Neuroimaging Clin. N. Am. · Aug 2023
ReviewConventional and Advanced Imaging of Spinal Cord Tumors.
Spinal cord tumors are best identified by conventional MR imaging with contrast. Most intramedullary spinal cord tumors have characteristic MR imaging features that allow an accurate preoperative diagnosis. ⋯ Rare tumors such as primary CNS lymphoma and melanocytic tumors are also described. Advanced imaging techqniques of more common intramedullary tumors are also reviewed.
Neuroimaging Clin. N. Am. · Aug 2023
ReviewDynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Perfusion: Role in Diagnosis and Treatment Follow-Up in Patients with Vertebral Body Tumors.
Recent therapeutic advances have led to increased survival times for patients with metastatic disease. Key to survival is early diagnosis and subsequent treatment as well as early detection of treatment failure allowing for therapy modifications. Conventional MR imaging techniques of the spine can be at times suboptimal for identifying viable tumor, as structural changes and imaging characteristics may not differ pretreatment and posttreatment. Advanced imaging techniques such as DCE-MRI can allow earlier and more accurate noninvasive assessment of viable disease by characterizing physiologic changes and tumor microvasculature.